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Advances in the Chemical Analysis of Food III

17 June 2022 10:00-17:00, London, United Kingdom

Following a successful meeting in 2016 and 2018 this is the third, biannual one-day meeting on the Advances in Chemical Analysis of Food, to be held at Burlington house on Friday 17th June 2022.  This meeting is jointly arranged by the food and separation science interest groups.

  • Down to Earth: translating knowledge gained from planetary exploration into the chemical analysis of food.  Dr Geraint (Taff) Morgan (The Open University)
  • What have the “robots” ever done for us: new approaches in automation of sample preparation.  Dr Kathy Ridgway (Anatune)
  • From sweets, biscuits to chilli: my analytical journey in Flavour Science.  Dr Nicole Yang (The University of Nottingham)
  • Battle of the brands: Using GC×GC–TOF MS to compare the VOC profiles of soft drinks.  Dr Laura McGregor (Sepsolve)
  • ​ 50n Shades of Grey: Interpreting Untargeted Authenticity Tests.  Mr John Points (John points consulting)
  • Non-targeted analysis – Beginning of a new era?  Mr Arne Dübecke, (TCF² - Tentamus Center for Food Fraud)
  • Strategies for the Analysis of Taints by GC(GC) QTOF.  Mr Paul O’Nion (RSSL)
  • Robust and reproducible chromatographic analysis of amino acids using a dedicated analyser.  Dr Andreas Loebers (Avantor)
  • The Wonder of Hop- delivering sustainable, natural flavour impact to beer.  (Totally Natural Solutions)
Registration Cost:
RSC members - £55, RSC members (students) - £5
Non-members - £70, Non-members (students) - £10
Retired – free, please contact organiser for discount code
Oral and Poster Presenters - free, please contact organiser for discount code
Student travel bursaries are available; please contact organisers for more details.

Meeting Purpose:

The food industry is the largest manufacturing sector in the UK and is key to a successful UK economy. The analytical sciences, in particular separation science, plays an important role in understanding the chemical composition of food – ensuring food is safe, authentic, nutritious and enjoyable. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss, share and celebrate the application of separation sciences to food.


Sponsorship & supporting organisations
The Royal Society of Chemistry

Library and Council room, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly, Mayfair, London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom


Organised by
Contact information
Lewis Jones
RSC Separation Science Interest Group
Contact us by email

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