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PACN webinars - Poor quality medicines & Sub-Saharan Africa

30 November - 1 December 2020, online, United Kingdom


The Pan Africa Chemistry Network (PACN) Congress is the Royal Society of Chemistry’s flagship annual event for the African chemical sciences community. In 2020, the Congress is moving online and will feature two webinars on the theme of Poor-Quality medicines & Sub-Saharan Africa.

A recent Study on the Public Health and Socioeconomic Impact of Substandard and Falsified Medical Products by the World Health Organisation has shown that ~10% of medical products circulating in low-income and middle-income countries are either substandard or falsified, leading to increased morbidity and mortality, adverse drug reactions, economic losses and diminished public confidence in health systems.  This serious public health problem has been compounded by COVID-19.

Both webinars will give participants the opportunity to listen to leading international experts from both academia and industry, including Africa based experts, shine a spotlight on this global problem.  They will discuss the reality of combatting poor quality medicines in Africa and explore the role the chemical sciences can play in driving and implementing innovative, effective and sustainable chemical solutions to this global issue. There will also be an opportunity at the end of both seminars for participants to ask questions.

Both webinars are free to attend but you must regsiter in advance.  We look forward to welcoming you to the discussion.


Webinar 1 - 30/11/20, 11am (UK Time)
Speakers: Professor Paul Newton, Professor Wilson Eruhn, Adefunke Evbodaghe

The reality of combatting poor quality medicines in Africa - global trends & industry response

In the first webinar we will explore the current global situation on the widespread problem of poor-quality medicines and the impact COVID-19 is having on this serious health problem.  Experts will delve into what is a poor-quality medicine, how common are they and who is most affected.  We will then take a closer look at the reality of combating poor quality medicines in Africa, highlighting local and international efforts, and explore how a multi-national company such as GSK is responding to this problem.

Webinar 2 - 1/12/20, 11am (UK time)
Speakers: Dr Harparkash Kaur, Professor Sunday Okeniyi, David Izuogu and Craig Stobie

Detecting & distinguishing poor-quality medicines/analytical approaches & new technologies

In the second seminar our experts will focus on the vital role the chemical science can play in the detection of poor-quality medicines and in the advancement and discovery of new technologies. There will be an emphasis on the analytical techniques available and the challenges faced, plus a look at new technologies involving advanced molecular tags to identify counterfeits. Industry leader Domino will then share how as a business they are continually developing their anti-counterfeiting coding and printing technologies.

Both webinars are free to attend but you must regsiter in advance.  You will find the links to each webinar in your regsitration confirmation email.
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