This three hour overview of financial risk management will provide the fundamentals to risk management that all managers need to comprehend.
Regardless of job titles, risk management is a shared responsibility by all managers. Compared to accounting, risk is an immature discipline with a variety of risk frameworks competing to dominate. Based on the new Wiley and Sons book, Essentials of Risk Management, due for publication at the end of 2010, this webinar is designed to provide a non-math introduction to an area and discipline that is changing rapidly, especially in the light of the risk management failures that have shattered so many personal and professional lives.
Regardless of job titles, risk management is a shared responsibility by all managers. Compared to accounting, risk is an immature discipline with a variety of risk frameworks competing to dominate. Based on the new Wiley and Sons book, Essentials of Risk Management, due for publication at the end of 2010, this webinar is designed to provide a non-math introduction to an area and discipline that is changing rapidly, especially in the light of the risk management failures that have shattered so many personal and professional lives.