2nd European Sample Preparation and 1st Green and Sustainable Analytical Chemistry e-Conferences

14 - 16 March 2022, United Kingdom

Following the success of the 1st European Sample Preparation e-Conference we are pleased to announce the continuation of the series and invite you to the second edition of this event. Therefore, this year we are also pleased to announce the initiation of a new series of conferences focusing on Green and Sustainable Analytical Chemistry.

The 2nd European Sample Preparation e-Conference (EuSP2022) and the 1st Green and Sustainable Analytical Chemistry e-Conference (GSAC2022) will be fully virtual and occur simultaneously from 14-16 March, 2022.
EuSP2022 and GSAC2022 e-conferences aim to bring together top experts to discuss new advancements in the fields of sample preparation and green analytical chemistry. In each conference, contributed sessions will showcase innovative research, cutting edge technology, as well as new products and techniques in a broad range of analytical and applied areas in sample preparation and green analytical chemistry.
Registration in the EuSP2022 and GSAC2022 e-conferences is free for our members. Registration and abstract submission will take place via the online platform. To submit an abstract, fill the abstract template also found in the online platform, which also contains detailed instructions. The name of the abstract file should contain important information like presenting author’s surname, conference to be presented, type of presentation. Once completed, proceed to online registration and upload the abstract to the corresponding conference page on the online platform. Each presenting author can submit up to two abstracts. The deadlines of registration and abstract submission follow. For any additional information please contact the secretariat at eventsampleprep@isc.tuc.gr.
For the 2nd European Sample Preparation e-Conference (EuSP2022), we solicit original contributions in the following general topic areas:
  • Topic 1. Sample preparation technologies, techniques and extraction phases
  • Topic 2. Sample preparations applications 
  • Topic 3. Green Sample Preparation (topic/session in common with GSAC2022)
  • Topic 4. Annual theme of the sample preparation network (to be announced 1st December 2021)
  • Topic 5. Other
For the 1st Green and Sustainable Analytical Chemistry e-Conference (GSAC2022), we solicit original contributions in the following general topic areas:
  • Topic 1. Sensors, on-site and real time analysis
  • Topic 2. Analytical technologies and techniques
  • Topic 3. Analytical chemistry applications
  • Topic 4. Green sample preparation (topic/session in common with EuSP2022)
  • Topic 5. Other
We look forward to e-welcoming you!

Online, United Kingdom

  • EuSP20200 and GSAC2022 Chair Prof. Elia Psillakis Technical University of Crete, Greece
  • EuSP20200 Chair Prof. Stig Pedersen-Bjergaard University of Oslo, Norway
  • GSAC2022 Chair Prof. Chiara Cordero University of Turin, Italy
  • GSAC2022 Chair Prof. Luigi Mondello University of Messina, Italy
  • GSAC2022 Chair Prof. Janusz Pawliszyn University of Waterloo, Canada
  • EuSP2022 Honorary co-chair Prof. Sibel Ozkan Ankara University, Turkey
  • GSAC2022 Honorary co-chair Prof. Klaus Kümmerer Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany
  • GSAC2022 Honorary co-chair Prof. Zoltan Mester President IUPAC-Analytical Chemistry Division, Canada
  • GSAC2022 Honorary co-chair Prof. Slavica Razic University of Belgrade, Serbia
  • Secretariat Ángela I. López-Lorente University of Córdoba, Spain
  • Organizing Committee Juan L. Benedé University of Valencia, Spain
  • Organizing Committee Cecilia Cagliero University of Turin, Italy
  • Organizing Committee María Celeiro University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
  • Organizing Committee Javier González-Sálamo University of La Laguna, Spain
  • Organizing Committee Rafael Lucena University of Córdoba, Spain
  • Organizing Committee Francisco Pena-Pereira University of Vigo, Spain
  • Organizing Committee Giorgia Purcaro University of Liege, Belgium
  • Organizing Committee María José Trujillo-Rodríguez University of La Laguna, Spain
  • Organizing Committee Mariosimone Zoccali University of Messina, Italy

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