Digital Discovery First Issue Desktop Seminar

29 March 2022 18:00-19:30, Online, United Kingdom

Welcome to the latest RSC Desktop Seminar, sponsored by Digital Discovery to celebrate the publication of the journal’s first issue.

Join Editor-in-Chief Alán Aspuru-Guzik, authors Andrea Angulo and Miguel A. Modestino, and Editorial Board Member Lilo D. Pozzo as they present their latest research. This 90-minute seminar will allow researchers of all professional levels to connect and share ideas and ask questions.

  • Alán Aspuru-Guzik (University of Toronto, Canada; Editor-in-Chief, Digital Discovery): “Computer Vision for Self-Driving Labs.”
  • Andrea Angulo and Professor Miguel A. Modestino (New York University, USA): “Leveraging Machine Learning Approaches to Optimize Organic Electrosynthesis.”
  • Professor Lilo D. Pozzo (University of Washington, USA; Editorial Board Member, Digital Discovery): “Materials Acceleration for All through Open Hardware.”


13:00 EDT    Welcome
13:05 EDT    Introduction to Digital Discovery
13:15 EDT   “Computer Vision for Self-Driving Labs.” – Alán Aspuru-Guzik (University of Toronto, Canada)
13:40 EDT   “Leveraging Machine Learning Approaches to Optimize Organic Electrosynthesis.” – Andrea Angulo and Miguel A. Modestino (New York University, USA)
14:05 EDT   “Materials Acceleration for All through Open Hardware.” – Lilo D. Pozzo (University of Washington, USA)
14:30 EDT   Closing remarks
Alán Aspuru-Guzik , University of Toronto, Canada

Alán Aspuru-Guzik is a professor of Chemistry and Computer Science at the University of Toronto and is also the Canada 150 Research Chair in Theoretical Chemistry and a Canada CIFAR AI Chair at the Vector Institute, and the editor-in-chief of Digital Discovery. Alán conducts research in the interfaces of quantum information, chemistry, machine learning and chemistry. Currently, Alán is interested in automation and "autonomous" chemical laboratories for accelerating scientific discovery.

Andrea Angulo, New York University, United States

Andrea is a Ph.D. student in the department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. She obtained her M.S. in Chemical Engineering from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, and her B.S from Universidad Simon Bolívar in Caracas, Venezuela. She is currently studying the electrochemical and engineering analysis of multiphase electrochemical reactors. Additionally, she is developing machine-learning-enhanced diagnostic tools to understand how reactor operation conditions impact faradaic efficiency and product distribution in organic electrochemical reactors.

Miguel A. Modestino, New York University, United States

Miguel A. Modestino is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Director of the Sustainable Engineering Initiative at New York University (NYU). His research group at NYU focusses on the development of electrochemical technologies for the incorporation of renewable energy into chemical manufacturing. He is also co-founder of Sunthetics Inc., a startup developing machine learning solutions to accelerate the development of sustainable chemical manufacturing processes.

Lilo D. Pozzo, University of Washington, United States

Lilo Pozzo is the Boeing-Roundhill Professor of Chemical Engineering and interim chair of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Washington in Seattle. Her research focuses on controlling and manipulating the structure of soft matter for applications in healthcare, alternative energy, chemical manufacturing and separations. Her group also focuses on developing and utilizing experimental high-throughput tools and techniques to accelerate deployment timelines for new materials. She is an expert in the use of neutron and x-ray scattering techniques for the analysis of colloids and polymers.


GoToWebinar, Online, United Kingdom

Organised by
Ania Rulka (Royal Society of Chemistry)
Alexander Whiteside (Royal Society of Chemistry)
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