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MSILDG Christmas Research Meeting 2022

19 December 2022 10:00-18:00, London, United Kingdom

The Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids Discussion Group (MSILDG) will hold their annual Christmas Research Meeting as a hybrid meeting in 2022. The meeting will take place on Monday 19th December, with the in-person component being held at Burlington House, London and an online component using the GoToMeeting platform. A detailed programme, and information on how to connect to the online part of the meeting, will be sent to registered delegates nearer the time.
The committee would like to invite potential speakers to submit abstracts for oral presentations by email to The deadline for submission of abstracts is 1st December 2022. The abstract should be a maximum of one page, should include all author names and affiliations and clearly indicate which author will present the work. You should also clearly indicate whether you wish to present in person or online. The committee will contact potential speakers shortly after this to confirm whether or not an abstract could be included in the programme. We anticipate each accepted speaker being allocated a 25 minute slot (15 minute talk + 10 minutes of discussion with the audience).

Registration is now open. Please click the "BOOK NOW" button at the top of this page to register for both in-person or online attendance. The following registration fees will apply. Please note that there will be a charge to attend the online meeting, as the group incurs costs associated with the technical support for this at the venue.
Regular delegate, RSC member: £110
Regular delegate, non-RSC member: £135
Student delegate, RSC member: £40
Student delegate, non-RSC member: £50
Attendance at the online meeting: £20

The Royal Society of Chemistry

Library, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom


Contact information
John Slattery
The University of York
Contact us by email

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