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Automation for a Sustainable Future 2023

25 April 2023 11:00 - 26 April 2023 16:00, Sedgefield, United Kingdom

CPI is partnering with RSC-FST to organise a scientific conference on automation for a sustainable future.

We will be bringing together industry and academic researchers, formulators and those interested in using automated experimentation, modelling and simulation to accelerate formulation development. There will be broad themes covering:
  • What is automation? A broad space to explore what automation means in formulation research and development. What is the scope? What are the incentives & challenges?
  • Automation for sustainable materials covering energy applications, consumer products and pharma - what are the opportunities and challenges in these key formulation markets?
  • Automation in the future - Looking ahead, what are the new and emerging areas of automation for the future? What are the future problems to be solved? A space to give insight into new ideas.

This two day (face-2-face) meeting will look to: (i) Showcase CPI automation capabilities, with a focus on formulation; (ii) show how we can use automation to address sustainability goals across the wide range of market sectors that CPI supports and (iii) provide networking opportunities.  Invited keynote speakers, oral papers, poster session, tour of CPI facilities and evening dinner at Hardwick Hall.
Sponsorship & supporting organisations
CPI, The National Formulation Centre

The Coxon Building, CPI, The National Formulation Centre, John Walker Road, Sedgefield, TS21 3FE, United Kingdom

Organised by
Contact information
Dr Philip P Gill
Contact us by email

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