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Atmospheric chemistry in cold environments Faraday Discussion

17 - 19 February 2025, London, United Kingdom

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Please be aware that the Royal Society of Chemistry will never ask you to register for an event, or to book accommodation, by phone or email. Registrations for RSC events are handled via our usual online booking system. Whilst we do sometimes work with accommodation providers in order to facilitate hotel bookings, they would never approach you in the first instance. If we are working with accommodation providers for this event, their contact details will be in the ‘Accommodation’ section of this webpage. If you are unsure if an email regarding event registration or accommodation has come from us please contact us and do not provide any credit card details or personal information. All official RSC emails end with “” only.


Join us in London in February 2025 for the latest addition to our Faraday Discussion series, with their unique format allowing for in-depth discussions of research manuscripts. We invite you to submit an oral or poster abstract to share your contribution alongside leaders in the field. This meeting is aimed at scientists working in the disciplines of atmospheric science, physics, chemistry, sea-ice science, meteorology, and oceanography, to discuss their results from field campaigns, laboratory experiments, atmospheric modeling, and computational work.
We are looking forward to welcoming you, in person or online, in Central London at the Royal Society of Chemistry.


Faraday Discussions remain amongst the only conferences to distribute the speakers’ research papers in advance, allowing the majority of each meeting to be devoted to discussions in which all delegates can participate. Following each meeting, a written record of the discussions is published alongside the papers in the Faraday Discussion journal. The discussions will be moderated by the session chair.


The discussions will centre around wintertime and cold region atmospheric chemistry and its impacts on health, geochemical cycles, and climate. Central to this discussion are aspects that make gas- and multiphase atmospheric science in cold environments unique, including but not limited to the presence of ice clouds, snow, and sea ice.

Multiphase chemistry in aerosol, ice/mixed-phase clouds, and snow

Multiphase processes have long been identified as key contributors to air quality and the chemical cycling between the atmosphere and hydrosphere. A key challenge lies in constraining the physical chemistry, such as rate coefficients and solubility data, to the conditions present in the often dry and cold wintertime atmosphere. This meeting addresses the formation and processing of airborne aerosol in wintertime atmospheres and at higher altitudes in the troposphere where cold temperatures prevail year-round, as well as the chemistry of deposited aerosol and brine patches in snow and sea ice. Furthermore, liquid aerosol will solidify as temperatures drop in these regions as part of daily or seasonal cycles. As such, interfacial chemistry at these solid aerosol particles and nucleation processes for complex mixtures is another topic of this conference.

Role of trace gases in particle and ice nucleation and growth

Cloud formation in cold regions of the atmosphere, such as the Southern and Arctic Oceans, wintertime cities, or the upper troposphere, is another key topic. Uncertainties in the concentrations and chemistry of precursor trace gases and vapors that contribute to particle growth, including biogenic components, pose key research questions. Further challenges lie in the interplay of gas-phase chemistry with particle nucleation and growth at cold temperatures. Of additional interest is the study of substances such as fluorinated persistent organics whose atmospheric abundance is driven by innovation in consumer products, changes in traffic routes, etc.

Exchange processes through/in snow and sea-ice

Sea ice and snow are key media at the ocean-atmosphere interface, where chemicals from the ocean accumulate, or are produced. On land, snow covers soil, a chemically and biologically active surface. We invite contributions on this topic, including but not limited to: trace gas fluxes, the description of the permeability of these matrixes for gases, the role of wind and wind-induced pressure fields, aerosol transport through snow, and changes of sea ice and snow with time and space. Further topics also include the impact of snow on the ground and sea ice, providing reactive surfaces for heterogeneous chemistry.

Emissions of trace gases and aerosol and atmospheric mixing/transport

Both biogenic and anthropogenic emissions differ significantly under varying atmospheric temperature ranges. For example, in the winter or in colder regions, homes need to be heated more extensively, which is typically done by the combustion of wood, oil, coal, or natural gas, and can be a large contributor to local emissions. We invite contributions on this topic, including those focusing on source apportionment, and the role of meteorology and transport on observed pollution levels. Furthermore, biogenic emissions by soil and plants show distinct changes with temperature that are still a challenge to account for. Additionally, considerable efforts so far have focused on wind-driven sea spray aerosol and trace gas emission in the Southern Ocean and as such, we invite contributions on the composition of trace gas emissions from sea ice and from the open ocean.

Abstract Submission

Oral abstracts

The oral abstract has been extended until 17th June.
Submit an oral/paper abstract if you wish to be considered for an oral presentation and associated published paper.  A full research paper containing new unpublished results always accompanies oral presentations at Faraday Discussions. The oral/paper abstract should outline current research in progress. Authors of the selected abstracts must then submit a full research paper with a significant amount of new, unpublished work by 30 September 2024.

The research papers are reviewed upon submission and are sent to all delegates 4 weeks before the meeting so they can be read in advance. At the meeting the presenting author is allowed five minutes to highlight the main points of their paper, and the rest of the time is for discussion. The discussion is recorded and will be published alongside the research paper in the Faraday Discussion volume.   

Poster abstracts

Submit your poster abstract by 9 December 2024. Posters are displayed throughout the meeting and a poster session is held on the first evening.  A poster prize will be awarded to the best poster presented by a student at the conference.Additional informationAll oral and poster abstracts will be reviewed by the committee. Authors will be notified of the outcome of the review process within about 6 weeks of the submission deadline. The abstracts should be no longer than one A4 page in portrait layout. Please ensure you provide the details of the presenting author and indicate whether you are submitting an abstract for oral or poster presentation.

Researcher Development and Travel Grants

If you are an RSC Member and you are one of the following

  • A PhD student;
  • An academic researcher within 10 years of completion of a PhD (including postdoctoral researchers);
  • Working in the industry within 10 years of leaving full-time education or;
  • A technician within 10 years of leaving full-time education.

You can apply for up to £500 to support your participation in this event.Please note it is not necessary to have confirmation of abstract acceptance before applying for a Researcher Development and Travel Grant and we encourage you to apply as early as possible. This Grant is open for 11 months of the year – January to November.
Applicants must apply for activities occurring at least 2 months from the end of your application month. Please see the website for up-to-date information on eligibility, how to apply and submission deadlines.
Researcher Development and Travel Grants can be applied for in addition to Grants for Carers and Assistance Grants.

Grants for Carers

With our Grants for carers, you can apply for up to £1,200 per year to help you attend a chemistry-related meeting, conference or workshop or a professional development event. This money would be used to cover any additional costs you incur, paying for care that you usually provide.  Please visit the website for further information and eligibility criteria.

Accessibility grants

With our Accessibility grants, you can apply for up to £1,200 per year to help with the cost of specific support to attend a chemistry-related meeting, conference, workshop or professional development event. This support might be any form of equipment, service, or other personal expense associated with meeting your access needs.
Sponsorship and Supporting organisations
A selection of sponsorship opportunities is available for companies who would like to promote their activities at the 2025 Faraday Discussion series.
If you would like more information about sponsoring the 2025 Faraday Discussion series, please contact the Commercial Sales Department at the Royal Society of Chemistry on
The Royal Society of Chemistry

Royal Society of Chemistry, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom

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