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Analytical Research Forum 2025 (ARF25)

17 June 2025, London, United Kingdom

The Analytical Research Forum (ARF) provides an opportunity for students and early career researchers from analytical science communities to present their work alongside high-profile scientists. The event will showcase cutting-edge analytical chemistry and applications to stimulate new research, collaboration and engagement between academia and industry.

Join us in London in June 2025.  Our one-day format includes invited talks, a panel discussion, a poster session, and additional oral contributions selected by the Scientific Committee from the submitted abstracts.

This year’s ARF will include a panel discussion on “Sustainability in Analytical Science”. We are seeking questions in advance from the audience. Please email your general questions for the panel, or questions for individual panel members, to by 10 June 2025 and we will try to incorporate as many questions as we can.
Andrew Brown, National Physical Laboratory, United Kingdom

Dr Andrew Brown is the Science Area Leader of the Air Quality and Aerosol Metrology Group at the National Physical Laboratory (the UK’s National Measurement Institute). Andrew’s work focusses on traceable methods for the physical and chemical characterisation of particles in air, and his current research interests include non-exhaust vehicle emissions, measurements of lung deposited surface area and measuring environmental DNA in air for biodiversity monitoring.
Andrew oversees the NPL’s technical delivery of three UK ambient air quality monitoring networks for the Environment Agency and Defra, for which the NPL Air Quality Team was awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry’s 2024 Technical Excellence Prize.

Anthony Gachanja, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya

Anthony Gachanja is a Professor in Analytical and Environmental Chemistry at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) in Kenya with experience spanning over three decades. He is also actively engaged in government bodies and private sector (industry) offering Analytical and Instrumental skills
Professor Gachanja obtained a degree in Chemistry (Bachelor of Science) from the University of Nairobi, Masters in Analytical Science and PhD in Chemistry from University of Hull in 1983 and 1991.  He then proceeded for a 3-year postdoctoral research at the University of Plymouth.  
He is involved in analytical environmental research, in particular in use of separation techniques and mass spectrometry for analysis of environmental matrices. He has been a resource person in instrumental trainings GCMS and LCMSMS that are sponsored by the RSC training more than 700 scientists from all regions of Africa. He has co-authored an GC-MS book, “GC-MS How do I get the best results?”, published by the RSC. He is one of the RSCs 175 faces of chemistry and featured in 2020 year's Power List as one of the Top 100 most influential people in analytical science over the past decade and received an honorary DSc from University of Plymouth in 2022.
He is passionate about the development of Analytical skills with a strong belief that chemical analytical skills are key and vital for both the developed and developing economies.

Maxie M Roessler, Imperial College London, United Kingdom

Maxie completed her DPhil at the University of Oxford in 2012, took up a lectureship at Queen Mary University of London in 2013 and moved to Imperial College in 2019, where she is now an Associate Professor (Reader). In her research she combines EPR spectroscopy with electrochemical and biochemical techniques to investigate and exploit electron transfer processes in biological and chemical systems. Maxie also established the Centre of Pulse EPR spectroscopy (PEPR) at Imperial College. Her research contributions have been recognised with the 2022 EuroBIC Medal, the 2023 Imperial College President’s Medal and the 2024 RSC Joseph Black Prize.

Gillian Tully, Kings College London, United Kingdom

Gill has over 30 years’ experience spanning research, casework and regulation in forensic science. She is Professor of Practice for Forensic Science Policy and Regulation at King’s College London, where her research interests include improving the quality and effectiveness of forensic science and improving the interface between science and the law. She also works directly with several UK police forces and provides training and consultancy services in the UK and overseas, to assist with improving the quality, reliability and effective application of forensic science.
From November 2014 to February 2021, she was the Forensic Science Regulator for England and Wales, an independent Ministerial Appointee, responsible for setting quality standards for forensic science in the Criminal Justice System and for advising and challenging Government. Gill has given evidence to multiple Parliamentary Committees as well as providing expert evidence in courts in England & Wales and overseas.
In 2020, Gill was awarded a CBE for services to forensic science.

Abstract Submission
Abstract submission is now open!

We encourage oral and poster abstract submissions from all areas of analytical and bioanalytical research across all applications including, but not limited to:
  • Spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and electroanalysis
  • Sampling and separation
  • Omics
  • Sensors
  • Chemometrics and data analysis
  • Applications in diagnostics, pharmaceutical analysis, forensics and environmental.
We welcome oral and poster abstracts from MSc and PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and all early career scientists.

Please be aware that the poster session will be in person only.

Poster abstracts from BSc students are also welcomed.

Planning your trip

We encourage delegates who are planning to attend events in person to arrange suitable travel and accommodation insurance.

In-person registration includes:
  • Attendance at all scientific sessions
  • Attendance at the poster session
  • Refreshments throughout the meeting and lunch
  • Attendance at the drinks reception
  • Access to the online abstract book
  • Access to recordings of all scientific sessions post-event
Fees are as follows:
Early bird Standard
RSC member* £68 + VAT £79 + VAT
Non-member* £84 + VAT £95 + VAT
Student RSC member £42 + VAT £53 + VAT
Student non-member £58 + VAT £68 + VAT

Virtual registration includes:
  • Live access to all scientific sessions 
  • Access to the online abstract book
  • Access to recordings of all scientific sessions post-event

Fees are as follows
RSC member* £25 + VAT
Non-member** £35 + VAT
Student RSC member £15 + VAT
Student non-member £20 + VAT

* If you are an Royal Society of Chemistry member and wish to register for this meeting, please select the member option on the online registration page. You will need to enter your membership number.

**For non-member registrants, affiliate membership of the Royal Society of Chemistry for 2025 is available, the affiliate membership application will be processed and commence once the registrant has attended the event.
Book now

Terms and Conditions for Events run by the Royal Society of Chemistry


Grants for Carers

With our Grants for Carers, you can apply for up to £1,200 per year to help you attend a chemistry-related meeting, conference or workshop or a professional development event. This money would be used to cover any additional costs you incur, paying for care that you usually provide.  Please visit the website for further information and eligibility criteria.

Accessibility Grants

With our Accessibility Grants, you can apply for up to £1,200 per year to help with the cost of specific support to attend a chemistry-related meeting, conference, workshop or professional development event. This support might be any form of equipment, service, or other personal expense associated with meeting your access needs.

Researcher Development and Travel Grants

If you are an RSC member and you are one of the following:
  • a PhD student actively undertaking a PhD course in the chemical sciences;
  • a researcher in the chemical sciences (including post docs, research technicians and research assistants);
  • working in academia, industry or any sector;
  • within 10 years of leaving full time education (at the time of the application deadline).
You can apply for up to £500 to support your participation in this event. 

Please note it is not necessary to have confirmation of abstract acceptance before applying for a Researcher Development and Travel Grant and we encourage you to apply as early as possible.
Please see the website for up-to-date information on eligibility, how to apply and submission deadlines.
Researcher Development and Travel Grants can be applied for in addition to Grants for Carers and Assistance Grants.
Sponsorship & supporting organisations
A selection of sponsorship opportunities are available for companies who would like to promote their activities at the Analytical Research Forum 2025 (ARF25).

As well as booking an exhibition space, there are opportunities to advertise in the e-abstract book. A sponsorship menu document will be available to download from this page with more details and prices in 2025.

If you would like more information about sponsoring the Analytical Research Forum 2025 (ARF25), please contact the Commercial Sales Department at the Royal Society of Chemistry on Sponsorship Menu
The Royal Society of Chemistry

Royal Society of Chemistry, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom

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