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2025 RSC Chemical Biology and Bio-organic Group Postgraduate Symposium

13 June 2025 09:30-17:30, Aberdeen, United Kingdom

The RSC Chemical Biology and Bio-organic Group invite you to their annual postgraduate meeting which will take place in-person at the University of Aberdeen. This meeting is designed to give early career researchers, from across a broad range of chemical biology backgrounds, a platform to share their latest research.

In addition to our excellent plenary speaker, Prof. Helen Walden, there will also be opportunities for postgraduate students to present their work through short talks and posters. Abstracts should be prepared by using the template provided.

The Chemical Biology and Bio-organic group welcomes abstracts from all areas of chemical biology

Oral and poster presentations must be given in person.

Registration: £30
University of Aberdeen

The Science Teaching Hub, University of Aberdeen, Bedford Road, Aberdeen, AB24 3AA, United Kingdom

Organised by
Contact information
Dr Wael Houssen
University of Aberdeen
Institute of Medical Sciences,
Aberdeen AB25 2ZD
Scotland, UK
Contact us by email

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