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RSC Meet the Editors - IISER Kolkata, India

18 March 2025 14:00-17:40, Kolkata, India

RSC Meet the Editors are specially curated programs by the Editors and Publishing team, aimed to provide researchers with a platform to interact and engage with experts from India & International board members.​ The platform offers researchers (mostly early career) an opportunity to gain insights on: tips on writing research papers, how to publish with maximum impact, and insights on RSC’s peer review process.

Our panel of expert speakers will talk about their research work, recent trends in the journal, and emerging research ideas to gear researcher in every stage of their career and strengthen their publishing journey. In addition to providing you a transparent view into the life cycle of a manuscript, we will also share tips around how to submit your research paper, things to keep in mind while submitting your paper and various RSC Journals that are available for you to explore to publish.

Don’t miss out this exciting opportunity to meet, learn and interact with RSC team, editorial board members  and international experts.

Mark your calendar for this event on Tuesday, 18th March, 2025 at IISER Kolkata, India. Block your seat now!

Registration is mandatory and is free for all!
Please note participants must make their own travel arrangements for the event

Topics to be covered:
​Engaging insights and scientific advancements shared by our speakers
RSC India: activities and outreach
How to write your manuscript for maximum impact
RSC Peer review process​​

14:00-14:10 hrs  Introductory remarks | Prof. Sunil K Khare, IISER Kolkata ,
Prof. Debasish Halder, IISER Kolkata 
14:15-14:25 hrs  Introduction to RSC India activities | Dr. Lijina MP, RSC  
14:30-15:00 hrs  Scientific Talk 1 | Prof. Eva Hemmer, University of Ottawa  
15:05-15:35 hrs  Scientific Talk 2 | Prof. Chengzhong Yu, The University of Queensland  
15:35-15:50 hrs  Tea break and networking  
15:55-16:25 hrs  Scientific Talk 3 |Prof. Achal Kumar, IIT Guwahati  
16:30-17:00 hrs  Scientific Talk 4 | Prof. Sayan Bhattacharyya, IISER Kolkata  
17:05-17:45 hrs  Publishing talk | Dr. Heather Montgomery, RSC    
17:45-17:55 hrs  Q & A 10 mins    
17:55-18:00 hrs  Concluding remarks, | Prof. Biplab Maji, IISER Kolkata  
Prof. A. S. Achalkumar, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati, India

Professor Achalkumar Ammathnadu Sudhakar is working as a full professor at the Department of Chemistry, IIT Guwahati from 2019, where he leads the Soft Matter Research Group. He is also associated with the Centre for Sustainable Polymers at IIT Guwahati. He received his PhD from Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences (CeNS) Bengaluru. Achalkumar worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Centre for Molecular Nano Sciences, University of Leeds, UK (2007 to 2009) and at RIKEN Advanced Science Institute, Wakoshi, Japan (2009 to 2011), before joining IIT Guwahati. He has been the recipient of Indian Liquid Crystal Society Silver Medal 2019 for his research achievements. His research interests fall in the broad area of liquid crystals, supramolecular chemistry, functional polymers, organogels and self-assembled organic semiconductors. He is the life member of Indian Liquid Crystal Society, Chemical Research Society and Society for Polymer Science in India.

Prof. Eva Hemmer, University of Ottawa, Canada

Professor Eva Hemmer is an Associate Professor of Materials Chemistry at the University of Ottawa. She received her PhD (2008) in materials science from Saarland University, Germany. After a postdoctoral experience at Tokyo University of Science, Japan, with Prof. K. Soga (2009-2012), she moved to Canada to become a joint Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral fellow with Profs. F. Vetrone and F. Légaré at Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS-EMT, Montreal, 2012-2015). In the winter of 2016, Eva came to Ottawa where her research team focused on new designs of upconverting and near-infrared-emitting rare-earth-based nanoparticles for bioimaging, optoelectronic, and optomagnetic applications, accompanied by chemically controlled synthesis via microwave-assisted routes, surface chemistry, and understanding of structure-property relationships. She received the 2021 Jubilee Global Diversity Award of the American Ceramic Society (Engineering Ceramics Division) and the 2021 Early-career Achievement Award in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology by NanoOntario.

Prof. Chengzhong Yu, The University of Queensland, Australia, Australia

Professor Chengzhong (Michael) Yu is a chemist and materials scientist working at the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, The University of Queensland. He has a joint appointment at East China Normal University. His current research interests include nanostructured and nanoporous materials and their applications in drug delivery, sustainability and energy storage applications. He has published over 400 peer-reviewed journal articles, which have been cited over 36,400 times and resulted in an H-index of 103 (Google Scholar). He has received several awards including the Le Févre Memorial Prize from the Australian Academy of Science

Prof. Sayan Bhattacharyya, IISER Kolkata, India

Professor Sayan Bhattacharyya is a Professor of Chemical Sciences at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata. He received his bachelor’s at Calcutta University, and his PhD degree at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, before he carried out his postdoctoral work in the US. He joined the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata, India in April 2010, and has moved from Assistant Professor to Professor of Chemical Sciences. His research focus is the design and synthesis of nanoscale functional materials, elucidation of their fundamental electronic, optical and other physical properties, and the development of processes that lead to specific alternative energy solutions.

Dr. Heather Montgomery, Royal Society of Chemistry, United Kingdom

Dr Heather Montgomery is Managing Editor for the Royal Society of Chemistry’s journals Nanoscale Horizons and Nanoscale within the wider materials & nano journals portfolio. She has been with the Royal Society of Chemistry since 2010 working on a variety of RSC journals including Energy & Environmental Science, PCCP, Chemicals Society Reviews, Chemical Communications and Faraday Discussions. Prior to this she studied chemistry at the Queen’s University of Belfast, UK from where she obtained a PhD in inorganic chemistry.

Lijina MP, Royal Society of Chemistry, India

Lijina is an Assistant Editorial Development Manager at the Royal Society of Chemistry. As part of her role, she works across various disciplines and societies of chemical sciences and support the journals. Lijina completed her integrated PhD in chemistry from the Indian institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram and subsequently she joined RSC.

IISER Kolkata

IISER Kolkata, Campus Rd, Mohanpur, Haringhata Farm, Kolkata, 741246, India

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