This Early Career Resaerch focused event includes:
ECR friendly registration: €70 for ALL postgradute research students (Phd and Masters) and €150 for post-doc members of GP2A
Presentation Opportunities: Posters and short oral communications slots available
Pre-conference workshop: Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery (Dylan Serillon, Whitelab genomics)
Conference Keynote Speakers: Maria Laura Bolognesi (University of Bologna), Michele Vendruscolo (university of Cambridge), Serge Van Calenbergh (University of Ghent) Christophe Rochais (University of Caen, France) Miguel Angel González Cardenete (University of Valencia, Spain) Trinidad Velasco-Torrijos (Maynooth University, Ireland) Stephanie Federico (University of Trieste, Italy) and Rachael Dickman (UCL School of Pharmacy, UK)
Networking activities: Social events throughout the conference