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RSC Meet the Editors - Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India

20 March 2025 10:00-17:40, Bengaluru, India

RSC Meet the Editors are specially curated programs by the Editors and Publishing team, aimed to provide researchers with a platform to interact and engage with experts from India & International board members.​ The platform offers researchers (mostly early career) an opportunity to gain insights on: tips on writing research papers, how to publish with maximum impact, and insights on RSC’s peer review process.

Our panel of expert speakers will talk about their research work, recent trends in the journal, and emerging research ideas to gear researcher in every stage of their career and strengthen their publishing journey. In addition to providing you a transparent view into the life cycle of a manuscript, we will also share tips around how to submit your research paper, things to keep in mind while submitting your paper and various RSC Journals that are available for you to explore to publish.

Don’t miss out this exciting opportunity to meet, learn and interact with RSC team, editorial board members and international experts.

Mark your calendar for this event on Thursday, 20th March, 2025 at IISc Bengaluru. Block your seat now!

Please note the participants must make their own travel arrangements for the event. ​​

Topics to be covered:
​Engaging insights and scientific advancements shared by our speakers
RSC India: activities and outreach
How to write your manuscript for maximum impact
RSC Peer review process​​

Session 1 Chair:      Dr. Manukumara Manjappa, IAP, IISc 
9:30-9:35 hrs           Introductory remarks | Prof Abhishek Singh, IISc 
9:40-9:50 hrs           Introduction to RSC India activities | Dr. Lijina MP
09:50 – 10:20 hrs    A lanthanide journey: Navigating materials from '
                                multimodal imaging to miniature thermometers
                              | Prof. Eva Hemmer
10:25-10:55 hrs      Converting PCR PET into PCR Polypropylene Vitrimers for a
                               Sustainable Future| Prof. Suryasarathi Bose
10:55 – 11:15 hrs   Tea break and networking 
Session 2 chair:     Prof. N Ravishankar, MRC, IISc
11:15 – 11:55 hrs   Scientific Talk 3 | Dr. BLV Prasad
                              Molecular tools for manipulating the size, size distribution and alloy    
                              formation in metal nanoparticle systems
12:00 – 12:30 hrs  Quantum Geometry of Electrons in 2D Materials:
                              Proposals of GQuES Sepctroscopies and Anomalous Hall 
                              Transistor| Prof. Umesh Waghmare
12:35 – 13:05 hrs Towards fuel-driven functional biomimetic assemblies |
                              Prof. Subinoy Rana
13.05 - 13.55 hrs    Lunch break
Session 3 chair:     Dr.  Mrinmoy De, OC, IISc
14.00 – 14.30 hrs   Publishing talk/editorial panel | Dr. Heather Montgomery
14.35 – 14.45 hrs   Q & A 10 mins  
15.15 – 16.00 hrs  Students talk 
16.05 – 16.15 hrs  Talk 1 
16.20 - 16.30  hrs   Talk 2
16.35 - 16.45  hrs   Talk 3
16.45 – 17:00 hrs  Poster Presentation /Tea and networking 
17.05 – 17:15 hrs Concluding remarks | Prof Abhishek Singh, IISc
Indian Institute of Science

MRC Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science, CV Raman Road, Bengaluru, 560012, India

Organised by
Contact information
Ruchi Manaktala
Royal Society of Chemistry
080 23256515
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