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Talk Chemistry
Structure and bonding chemistry
Molecules, shapes and forces
User Guide
Topic Sections
Core Idea
Why is shape important?
Shapes of molecules - VSEPR
Taking it further - hybridisation
Intermolecular forces
Exploring Understanding
Progression of ideas
What students find difficult
Visualising molecules
Developing Understanding
Introduction to using simulations in the classroom
Points to consider
Interactive simulation: Molecule Shapes
Discussing the activity
Your questions answered
Checking Understanding
Self assessment
Applying Understanding
Contextualising the topic
Additional Resources & Activities
Additional Activities and Resources
My record
Other Topics
Introducing particles
Not all particles are...
Forces between particles
It's all electrostatic
Bonds between metallic...
Bond between metallic...
Bond between non-metals
Taking bonding further
Giant structures
Topic Sections
Core Idea
Why is shape important?
Shapes of molecules - VSEPR
Taking it further - hybridisation
Intermolecular forces
Exploring Understanding
Progression of ideas
What students find difficult
Visualising molecules
Developing Understanding
Introduction to using simulations in the classroom
Points to consider
Interactive simulation: Molecule Shapes
Discussing the activity
Your questions answered
Checking Understanding
Self assessment
Applying Understanding
Contextualising the topic
Additional Resources & Activities
Additional Activities and Resources
Introducing particles
Not all particles are...
Forces between particles
It's all electrostatic
Bonds between metallic...
Bond between metallic...
Bond between non-metals
Taking bonding further
Giant structures
Progression of ideas
Drag annd drop - so get teachers to think through the sequence of ideas to support learning
Core Idea
Exploring Understanding
Developing Understanding
Checking Understanding
Applying Understanding
Additional Resources & Activities