Contextualising the topic
Fire and Flame
A series of short video clips of explosive and exciting chemical reactions, taken from a lecture called 'Fire and Flame' by Dr Peter Wothers at the University of Cambridge. They could be used as visual stimuli to ask students what they think is taking place in these reactions and how they might be represented.
Reacting copper with nitric acid
A visual demonstration of chemical change. Chemical change can clearly be observed. Colour change and evolution of a gas are evident. Please note that the title on the page says dissolving, which is clearly not the case. Please ensure pupils do not think this is dissolving.
Endothermic solid-solid reactions (barium hydroxide and ammonium chloride)
This experiment is the one that appears in the video earlier in the course. It is a great demonstration to use with students to get them discussing chemical change.
The chemistry of fireworks
Reverend Ron Lancaster MBE is the founder of Kimbolton Fireworks Ltd, the company that has put on some of the greatest firework displays of our times, including the 2012 Olympic Games ceremonies, and the Queen's Jubilee and New Year's celebrations in London and Edinburgh. The Chemistry of Fireworks lecture was filmed at Kimbolton School in Cambridgeshire.
Warning: These demonstrations have been tailored for this lecture. If you are to perform similar experiments in your laboratory, please make sure you carry out a full risk assessment.