
Spherical Code Structure
Transition Structure
Transition Movie
Longer Movie
Experimental Movie 1
Experimental Movie 2


Spherical Code Structure
Transition Structure
Transition Movie
Longer Movie


Spherical Code Structure
Transition Structure
Transition Movie
Longer Movie


Spherical Code Structure
Transition Structure
Transition Movie
Longer Movie


Spherical Code Structure
Transition Structure
Transition Movie
Longer Movie


Spherical Code Structure
Transition Structure
Transition Movie
Longer Movie


Spherical Code Structure
Transition Structure
Transition Movie
Longer Movie


Spherical Code Structure
Transition Structure
Transition Movie
Longer Movie


Spherical Code Structure
Transition Structure
Transition Movie
Longer Movie

N = 5 Spherical Code Structure

The N = 5 spherical code solution has a degenerate continuum of structures ranging from a square pyramid (SP) to a triangular bipyramid (TBP) arrangement of spheres. In reference [Phillips,Jankowski,Marval,Glotzer,PRE,2012] it was shown that entropically, the square pyramid is the preferred structure of the thermodynamic cluster. So the N = 5 spherical code cluster structure has symmetry C4v and ΛSC = 0.4142. The square pyramid structure is equivalent to the N = 6 spherical code solution, an octahedron, minus a single outer sphere. It is also equal to the N=4 transition structure with one sphere added.

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