N = 8 Transition Movie
The rearrangement of the N = 8 cluster is a rotation of one half of the cluster relative to the other. At the start of the movie, the square faces have normal vectors in the NorthEast and SouthWest direction. At the transition, the pairs blue and green spheres snap across the diagonal on the two faces, and a new square antiprism has square face normals in the SouthEast and NorthWest directions. Not counting reflections of the action (e.g. counter clockwise versus clock- wise rotations) there are two ways this action can occur. Below the central sphere is colored silver and the outer spheres are colored green, blue, and pink, to highlight the action. This movie is generated from a simulations, where the spheres are slightly soft. In the simulation Λ = 0.676, or slightly more than the hard sphere ΛT=0.6676.