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What would you like to know about this journal?
Impact factor: 2.9*
Time to first decision (all decisions): 15.0 days**
Time to first decision (peer-reviewed only): 19.0 days***
Chair: Anthony Davis
Indexed in MEDLINE
CiteScore: 5.5****
Best Impact Factor Quartile (SCIE Category 2022): Q2 (Chemistry, Organic)
Open access publishing options available
Author benefits
- One of the fastest organic chemistry journals* - with an average receipt to first decision time of just 14.1 days for Communications and 18.5 days for Papers
- Flexible submission format; submit in any reasonable format, and no template required
- Optional accepted manuscript publication; have the unedited version of your article published shortly after acceptance
- Easy submission and manuscript tracking online
- Choice of submission routes; authors can choose either the Cambridge editorial office or submission to an associate editor
- High exposure; top papers highlighted in the wider scientific press
- Broadest organic audience; synthetic, physical and biomolecular
- Indexed in MEDLINE and other major databases
*Based on the average time from receipt to first decision for manuscripts submitted in 2023.
Meet the team
Find out who is on the editorial and advisory boards for the Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry journal.
Anthony Davis, University of Bristol, UK
Associate editors
Jeroen Dickschat, University of Bonn, Germany
Katrina Jolliffe, University of Sydney, Australia
Motomu Kanai, University of Tokyo, Japan
Xiaohua Liu, Sichuan University, China
Santanu Mukherjee, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
Scott Silverman, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
Cristina Trujillo, The University of Manchester, UK
Huan Wang, Nanjing University, China
Editorial board members
S.S.V Ramasastry, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali, India
Judy I-Chia Wu, University of Houston, USA
Igor Alabugin, Florida State University, USA
Gonçalo Bernardes, University of Cambridge, UK
Shunsuke Chiba, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Andre Cobb, Kings College London, UK
Steven Cobb, Durham University, UK
Ratmir Derda, University of Alberta, Canada
Antonio Echavarren, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain
Ben Feringa, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Amar Flood, Indiana University Bloomington, USA
Carmen Galan, University of Bristol, UK
Christian Hackenberger, Leibniz-Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie and Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Jason Harper, University of New South Wales, Australia
Ivan Huc, Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
Elizabeth Krenske, University of Queensland, Australia
Mahesh Lakshman, The City College of New York, USA
Lei Liu, Tsinghua University, China
Shih-Yuan Liu, Boston College, USA
Geraldine Masson, Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles (CNRS), France
Elizabeth New, University of Sydney, Australia
Dhevalapally Ramachary, University of Hyderabad, India
Paolo Scrimin, University of Padova, Italy
Oliver Seitz, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Jay Siegel, University of Zürich, Switzerland
Corey Stephenson, University of Michigan, USA
Dean Tantillo, University of California Davis, USA
Mark Taylor, University of Toronto, Canada
Georgios Vassilikogiannakis, University of Crete, Greece
Helma Wennemers, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Peter Wipf, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Shuli You, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, China
Jian Zhou, East China Normal University, China
Katie Lim, Executive Editor
Hannah Fowler, Deputy Editor
Daniel Robertshaw, Development Editor
Sarah Anthony, Editorial Production Manager
Nicola Burton, Publishing Editor
Tom Cozens, Publishing Editor
Katie Fernandez, Publishing Editor
Ryan Kean, Publishing Editor
Roxane Owen, Publishing Editor
David Bishop, Publishing Assistant
Sam Keltie, Publisher, Journals, ORCID 0000-0002-9369-8414
Transparent peer review
As part of our commitment to transparency and open science, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry is now offering authors the option of transparent peer review, where the editor’s decision letter, reviewers’ comments and authors’ response for all versions of the manuscript will be published alongside the article under an Open Access Creative Commons licence (CC-BY).
Reviewers will remain anonymous unless they choose to sign their report.
Open access publishing options
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry is a hybrid journal and gives authors the choice of publishing their research either via the traditional subscription-based model or instead by choosing our gold open access option.
Gold open access
For authors who want to publish their article gold open access, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry charges an article processing charge (APC) of £3000 (+ any applicable tax). Our APC is all-inclusive and makes your article freely available online immediately, permanently, and includes your choice of Creative Commons licence (CC BY or CC BY-NC) at no extra cost. It is not a submission charge, so you only pay if your article is accepted for publication.
Learn more about publishing open access.
Open access agreements
If your institution has an RSC open access agreement or APCs for gold open access, publishing in this journal may already be covered.
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Please use your official institutional email address to submit your manuscript and check you are assigned as the corresponding author; this helps us to identify if you are eligible under an open access agreement or other APC discounts.
Traditional subscription model
Authors can also publish in Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry via the traditional subscription model without needing to pay an APC. Articles published via this route are available to institutions and individuals who subscribe to the journal. Our standard licence allows you to make the accepted manuscript of your article freely available after a 12-month embargo period. This is known as the green route to open access.
Readership information
Academic and industrial scientists working in organic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, chemical biology and physical organic chemistry.
Subscription information
OBC is part of RSC Gold and Core Chemistry subscription packages.
Online only 2025: ISSN 1477-0539, £5,451 / $9,782
*2023 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2024)
**The median time from submission to first decision including manuscripts rejected without peer review from the previous calendar year
***The median time from submission to first decision for peer-reviewed manuscripts from the previous calendar year
****CiteScore™ 2023 available at