The Chemical Information and Computer Applications Group (CICAG) is one of the RSC’s many member-led Interest Groups, which exist to benefit RSC members and the wider chemical science community, and to meet the requirements of the RSC’s strategy and charter.
Scope and Aims
The storage, retrieval, analysis and preservation of chemical information and data are of critical importance for research, development and education in the chemical sciences. All chemists, and everybody else who works with chemical substances, need tools and techniques for handling chemical information.
CICAG works to:
- Support users of chemical information, data and computer applications and advance excellence in the chemical sciences
- Inform RSC members and others of the latest developments in these rapidly evolving areas;
- Promote the wider recognition of excellence in chemical information and computer applications at this level.
- Scientific and educational meetings, some of which are at Burlington House, the RSC's London headquarters. Subject areas covered include:
- chemical information and data management
- chemistry IT applications and tools
- future, present and historical developments in chemical data and information - Student bursaries for undergraduate research projects and attendance of CICAG scientific and educational meetings
- Sponsorship of the Tony Kent Strix Award and other appropriate awards and events
- Biannual newsletters available to all - click to view the Winter 2020-21 newsletter and Summer 2021 newsletter
- Advising the Royal Society of Chemistry on policies that directly affect CICAG
How to Join
RSC members can join the Chemical Information and Computer Applications Group by updating their details in the “My communities and subscriptions” tab of the online RSC membership area. Please click here to login and add to your list of Interest Groups.
CICAG Professional Networking
CICAG on LinkedIn
The CICAG have a group on LinkedIn which has discussions and jobs.
CICAG on Twitter
CICAG can now be followed on Twitter.
Quick links
View the Chemical Information and Computer Applications Group Newsletters.
Forthcoming events
Forthcoming events organised by the Chemical Information and Computer Applications Group.
CICAG website
The latest news and updates from the Chemical Information and Computer Applications Group.
Contact the Secretary
For further information on the Chemical Information and Computer Applications Group you can contact the Secretary, Professor Jeremy Frey CChem FRSC.
Support for interest groups
Useful information and resources for all RSC interest groups.
RSC Information Resources
The Virtual Library
RSC members can access premium chemical science full text e-books, journals and databases remotely for free.
A free chemical structure database providing fast text and structure search access to over 28 million structures from hundreds of data sources
Dr Chris Swain CChem FRSC
Dr Diana Leitch MBE FRSC