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Your chemistry
stronger with our support
Chemistry is full of possibilities.
When you choose a career in the chemical sciences, you’re choosing a career where you can grow your skill set, knowledge and curiosity. But, we also understand that you often feel busy, short on time and under pressure. That’s where RSC membership can make everything easier for you. Our career support means you can access relevant resources and guidance, all in one place.
Whether you are just starting out in your career or feel established in your specialism, we offer tailored tools that suit your career stage – and help you plan where to go next.
From research resources for those in academia, to professional awards for those working in industry, we are here to help you learn, grow and flourish. You are ready to take the next step in your career – and we can help you get there.
Your membership will include...
Career consultations
These one-to-one sessions are tailored to you and your goals, whatever career stage you are at. Our qualified career and professional development advisers will help and guide you – 89% of members said their aims were met or exceeded after a consultation.
Chemical science CV checks
Job seeking in the chemical sciences isn’t the easiest of tasks, but we’re here to support you along the way. We can help you highlight your chemistry skills and knowledge to future employers – and showcase your non-technical skills too.
Our career toolkit
Everything you need in one place. Use our suite of interactive tools to practise for interviews, get feedback on your CV, take aptitude tests or build an elevator pitch. It offers the career support you need, whether you have career goals in mind or need help making a plan.
RSC pathfinder
Here to make your continuing professional development (CPD) quicker, simpler and easier. Use it to record your qualifications, skills and awards, and generate activities to help you reach your goals. Pathfinder is tailored to you, so you can evaluate the next step in your professional development.
Our career talks and events
We host monthly ChemCareers webinars – free sessions with practical tips, advice and career inspiration. You can learn about job opportunities, professional development, how to deal with career challenges and more. Our Early Career Researcher webinars aim to support RSC members in academia. We also regularly hold career talks at our conferences and events.
Our mentoring programme
A mentoring partnership can help you grow your network and work towards your career goals. Our platform RSC Mentorloop makes it simple to find someone who’s the perfect match for your career stage, experience and specialism. And you can also set goals, schedule mentoring sessions, track your progress and customise your profile.
Our professional awards
Looking to stand out from the crowd? Professional awards can help you with that. Registered and Chartered status aren’t just letters after your name – they also demonstrate to others that you’re hardworking, skilled and highly competent. This recognition can greatly boost your credibility and confidence, wherever you are in your career.
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