The majority of teaching staff in mainstream state schools said that they had not received adequate continuing professional development (CPD) in the last three years
This is a particular problem in Northern Ireland where only 16% of teachers and technicians said they had received adequate CPD.
In England, respondents from state academies were more likely than respondents from other school types to report inadequate CPD in all three sciences.
Worryingly, those who reported inadequate CPD were more likely to consider leaving the profession in the next five years (not due to retiring). At the other end of the scale, respondents who felt they had received adequate CPD in the last three years were consistently more likely to report higher levels of job satisfaction.
With the best intentions and the best resources it's all empty without time. CPD should be part of the teaching timetable.
For science technicians, recognition and better pay were the highest priorities
What changes would make the biggest positive difference to your professional development as a …?
Head of Department or Teacher of Science
Science Technician
Q. What changes would make the biggest positive difference to your professional development as a head of department or teacher or science/science technician? Open question coded into themes, only top five shown. Base n = 3179 (HOD or teacher); 539 (technician). All schools. Weighted data.
As this was an open question, it is worth noting that almost half (46%) of responses from technicians focused on pay and recognition, while four of the five most common responses from teachers concerned CPD.
What we are doing
A key aim for our education strategy is to ensure entitlement and access to high-quality subject-specific professional development for teachers of chemistry throughout their career.
Working with societies representing other subjects within the sciences, we will continue to campaign for an entitlement to high quality subject specific professional development throughout technicians' and teachers' career. Defining what ‘adequate CPD’ looks like is something we will explore in more detail in the 2023 survey.
We offer a wide range of CPD opportunities to suit individual teachers’ needs; this includes face-to-face courses, online courses, new ideas for the classroom, mentoring and more.
We are helping to spread awareness of the support available to technicians, which includes professional registration (RSci, RSciTech), funding and mentoring. Take a look at our technician commitment for more information.
Explore more headline findings from the survey
Related links
Education website
Our education website brings together all our online support for chemistry teaching in one place
Related pages
- The Science Teaching Survey 2023
- The elements of a successful curriculum - our vision for 11-19 chemistry education
- New insights into the school science technician workforce
- Teacher training during the pandemic and the long-term impact on practical work in schools
- Higher technical education - research provides new insight into the needs of learners, providers and employers
- Listen to our award winning podcasts covering many aspects of sustainability
- See all our chemistry education policy
- See our inclusion and diversity policy
- See all our policies, reports, evidence and campaigns