The Round 1 of this fund will close on 5 May 2025
Our Inclusion and Diversity Fund provides financial support for innovative products, activities and research projects that do just that.
Previous recipients of our funding have included projects related to gender, disability, socio-economic background, language, race and ethnicity, the LGBT+ community and more. These have been delivered via initiatives such as data collection and analysis, workshops, conferences and hackathons.
Eligible projects must have clear intended outcomes, for example:
- removing barriers to access and progression for underrepresented groups in the chemical sciences, ensuring equitable representation and fostering a sense of belonging
- enhancing retention, career development, and leadership opportunities for diverse talent in chemistry, addressing bias in career progression and creating accessible pathways for professional growth
- creating an inclusive culture in chemical sciences education, workplaces, and institutions by embedding accessibility and equitable practices that support belonging for all.
We will consider individual applications up to the value of £5,000. Funding greater than £5,000 may be considered for one project each year. Please contact the diversity team for more details.
Who can apply?
The grant scheme is open to RSC members or non-members based in the United Kingdom/Republic of Ireland.
Eligible applicants can apply either as individuals or on behalf of an organisation. This includes, but is not limited to, member-led groups, researchers in academia or industry, museums, community groups, not-for-profit organisations, arts groups and libraries.
The I&D Fund does not support:
- Chemistry research projects, even if led by individuals from underrepresented groups
- General outreach initiatives that are not directly linked to inclusion and diversity in the chemical sciences
- Projects that do not demonstrate a clear, measurable benefit to inclusion, accessibility, or diversity within the chemical sciences
Previous recipients of any of our grants are welcome to apply for funding, provided they fit the current eligibility criteria below. This can be to scale up a project that already exists or to fund the development of an original project.
Applicants should not resubmit an unsuccessful application unless invited to do so.
The proposed project must focus on inclusion and diversity – outreach or chemistry research projects will not be considered. If your application is considered more suitable for the Outreach Fund we will contact you and seek your approval to transfer your application.
Applications relating to a range of audiences will be considered, including different age groups, career stages, geographical regions and sectors.
For further detail on our audiences for inclusion and diversity activities please see our inclusion and diversity strategy.
Please note, the Inclusion & Diversity Fund is intended for projects that directly investigate or address inclusion and diversity issues in the chemical sciences. The Inclusion and Diversity Fund is not intended to fund chemistry research.
Assessment criteria
Applications will be assessed on:
Focus on the chemical science community |
Your project must be centred on increasing inclusion and diversity in the chemical sciences community. |
Relevance to RSC I&D Strategy |
Your project must be relevant to our inclusion and diversity strategy. |
Audience |
You project must have a clearly defined target audience within the chemical sciences community.
Impact |
Your proposal must clearly describe the impact that the project will have on the target audience and/or beyond. |
Outcomes |
Your project should be deliverable and include clear evaluation plans. |
Feasibility of proposal |
Your project must be clearly written and costed, be feasible to complete with the resource allocation and/or support and be within the timeframe that you indicated on your proposal. |
Impact of funding |
Applicants should show that the requested funding will make a significant difference to their ability to deliver the project. |
Please ensure you read the “Restriction on funding” section before you begin your application.
Restrictions on funding
Inclusion and Diversity Fund grants will not be awarded to:
- projects which do not focus on investigating or addressing inclusion and diversity issues (i.e. outreach projects or chemistry research projects)
- projects whose primary aim is to generate a financial surplus
- projects for which our support would not significantly enhance the activity
- projects that are part of an education institution's usual programme of activities, including Open Days and Taster Days
- cover the cost of general purpose hardware, apparatus or equipment
- cover any employment costs of project staff that receive a salary from the applying organisation
Projects that have received funding in the past
In the table below you can view all the projects we have supported with our Inclusion & Diversity funding, including special calls for specific projects, such as those helping the Black chemistry community.
To advance inclusion and diversity in the chemical sciences we created the Inclusion and Diversity Fund. Since its inception in 2016, the ID Fund has supported community-driven projects addressing a wide range of topics, covering many different aspects of diversity. However, evidence continues to show the systemic underrepresentation of particular groups within the chemical sciences, and we have created ringfenced funding opportunities focusing on specific topics through special calls for projects.
We launched our first special call for projects through the Inclusion and Diversity Fund, to specifically encourage and support projects focusing on addressing the underrepresentation of Black chemists, as part of our ongoing work focusing on race and ethnicity inequities in the chemical sciences. This special call for projects in support of the Black chemistry community funded 15 projects including 11 based in the UK/ROI, the details of which can be found in the Past projects table.
We launched our second special call, to encourage applications for projects focused on disability and accessibility in the chemical sciences. We understand that disabled chemists are diverse, and we explicitly welcomed projects focusing on any and all experiences of disability, including mobility and sensory impairments, chronic illness, neurodiversity, and mental health conditions. We were delighted to award funding to 9 projects representing this broad diversity of focus, the details of which can be found in the Past projects table.
We launched an additional special call for projects to research and tackle disabled under representation in chemistry. Applications were received from a wide variety of countries worldwide and were pleased to award funding to ten projects the details of which can be found in the Past projects table.
We launched the socioeconomic inclusion special call which aimed to further understand and support the needs and challenges of chemists from low socioeconomic backgrounds to promote inclusive access and progression within the chemical sciences. We particularly encouraged applications for community driven projects or events that focus on intersectionality to fully understand the multiple disadvantages due to different protected characteristics
Projects funded with Round 1 of the Inclusion & Diversity fund in 2024
Projects funded with Round 2 of the Inclusion & Diversity fund in 2024
Round 1
Title |
Project summary |
Amount awarded |
Contact |
Institution |
Elements of Inclusion |
A series of podcast-style interviews and a panel event to discuss inclusivity and diversity in STEM, primarily from the LGBTQI+ community. |
£1150 |
Dr Jason McNulty |
Individual |
A Scottish study on entry requirements and attainment for students from deprived backgrounds |
This project will determine if there is any difference between outcomes for students from a deprived background in comparison to those from a more affluent background studying Chemistry at the University of Strathclyde. |
£5000 |
Prof Debbie Willison |
University of Strathclyde |
Identifying Barriers Faced by Female Academics in the Chemical Sciences |
This project aims to interview a range of female academics and researchers, with a focus on identifying and discussing the opportunities and barriers faced during the progression of their career, in light of previous studies. |
£1500 |
Miss Hannah Hilton-Tapp |
Widening Access to Chemistry: Chemistry for me, Chemistry for all. |
Secondary pupils in chemistry from minority groups, underrepresented/underserved communities, or who face other barriers, will research access to Chemistry. Reflecting on their own journey, their findings/recommendations will shape how we truly make chemistry for all. |
£5000 |
Mr Graeme Rough |
Saturday School Ltd |
Photography Competition to Promote Fairness and Inclusiveness in Chemical Science Community |
The proposed Photography Competition is aiming to promote fairness and inclusiveness in chemical science community, which is open to the public. All photos will be displayed during the exhibition event at the University of Aberdeen. |
£5000 |
Dr Yeshui Zhang |
Developing Inclusive Python-based teaching resources for Chemistry Education |
Develop inclusive and accessible teaching materials which introduce chemistry students to the key concepts of programming through chemical examples and applications. These materials will implicitly and explicitly challenge students’ preconceptions about “who can program”. |
£2100 |
Dr Alan Lewis |
WoNDRS: A conference to support Women and Non-binary Doctoral Researchers in STEM |
The inaugural Conference for Women and Non-binary Doctoral Researchers in STEM (WoNDRS) will be held in Liverpool, to foster a sense of community among PhD students and celebrate the achievements of underrepresented groups in science. |
£2613 |
Prof Brianna Heazlewood |
University of Liverpool |
Advancing Inclusivity Through Collaboration: Co-Creating Digital Assessment Strategies with Mature Chemistry Students |
Our project at London Metropolitan University aims to co-create digital tools with instant feedback for chemistry practical’s, supporting students, especially mature learners. Through collaboration, evaluation, and dissemination, we will enhance inclusivity in Chemical Sciences. |
£4500 |
Dr Daniel Sykes |
Pathways in Chemistry |
Identify and then systematically address the barriers that prevent pupil premium students in Medway from engaging in post-16 chemistry education. |
£4,000 |
Mrs Emilija Kay |
Postgraduate Network in Chemistry |
Creating a social enterprise that can motivate, support and develop postgraduate students in science to reach the top of their career. |
£3227 |
Mr Teghtegh Samoh |
Breaking Language Barriers: A Chemistry Dictionary App |
Developing a free English to Bahasa Malaysia chemistry dictionary app to address language barriers, promote inclusivity, and enhance educational opportunities for students and teachers in Malaysia. |
£3500 |
Dr Lai Chun Wong |
Your chemical heritage - Bringing chemistry to indigenous people |
The history of chemistry is too often focused on European culture. This project emphasises to indigenous peoples the role of chemistry in their culture and history in order to increase their participation in chemistry education. |
£5000 |
Prof Nigel Mason |
Mitigating the Burden of Self-Advocacy: Understanding neurodivergent experiences of early career chemists. |
By documenting neurodivergent experiences at different transition points along the early-career pathway we seek to understand barriers to career progression within Chemical Sciences. Results will identify areas where systemic change can improve inclusivity for neurodiversity. |
£4934.25 |
Dr Lauren Marsh |
Careers in chemical sciences – capturing the career journeys of neurodivergent students |
A rich picture research project on the career experiences of neurodivergent students in the chemical sciences, evaluating career exploration and employment activities, in order to map real-life career “journeys” and share good practice and learning. |
£4185 |
Mrs Claire Toogood |
The Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS) |
Gender Pay Gap Reporting in the Nuclear Sector |
To enable what began as an internal research piece, to be professionally published and distributed with maximum reach and impact across the nuclear community by funding design and print resources which we don't have ‘in-house’. |
£4830 |
Mr Rory Laye |
Inclusion and Diversity in Nuclear |
Lab Coat for Wheelchair Users |
Develop a waterproof and chemical resistant labcoat for wheelchair users working in a wet lab, the labcoat will be based upon an existing design currently used in a dry lab. |
£5000 |
Mr Oliver Collier |
University College London |
Round 2
Title |
Project summary |
Amount awarded |
Contact |
Institution |
Making chemical science labs accessible & inclusive for disabled researchers |
This project tackles disability within science and broader STEM fields by focusing on making the laboratories accessible and inclusive for disabled researchers and staff working in the chemical sciences. |
£4660.36 |
Dr Leila Negahdar |
Individual |
Tackling Chemical Imbalances |
A series of mini-lectures addressing sexism, racism, ableism, and LGBTQ+ challenges in the chemical sciences, particularly in a higher education setting. Community members will share anecdotes and reflections, fostering discussions on diversity and inclusion. |
£2210 |
Miss Kylini Suganthan |
Warwick ChemSoc |
RACI x RebelGirls Project |
The RACI x RebelGirls Project fosters inclusivity by showcasing diverse stories, allowing every child to see themselves and be inspired to pursue their passions without limits. |
£5000 |
Mrs Hannah McCarthy |
The Royal Australian Chemical Institute |
“I belong in Chemistry” Talk Series |
A series of talks by women of colour in chemistry from all over the UK, offering them a space to share their stories, highlight the challenges they face, and inspire others navigating similar paths. |
£3900 |
Miss Nghi Nguyen |
Our voice as disabled people and UKRI |
Increasing the voice for disabled people within UKRI and advocating for positive change across the research councils |
£3000 |
Dr Adam Berlie |
Empowering Unprivileged and special needs Kenyan Students in Chemical Science through AI-Driven DEI Initiatives |
Explore the potential of AI-driven Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives to uplift the performance of unprivileged and special needs Kenyan students in chemical sciences |
£5000 |
Dr Charles Ochieng |
Maseno University |
Breaking the Stigma: Supporting People with Anxiety and Mental Health in Chemistry |
This project aims to reduce the stigma around mental disability and support individuals with anxiety, in chemistry, fostering inclusive environments through awareness, resources, and advocacy for those with mental disabilities in academic and research settings. |
£3555 |
Dr Ehsan Ezzatpour Ghadim |
Individual |
“Life-Change Stories": How have the scientific professionals from underrepresented backgrounds been progressing with different UK visas? |
The project aims to facilitate the young generation towards higher education and/or careers in STEM via different personal journeys from scientific professionals with specific UK visas (e.g. Global Talent Visa, Skilled Worker Visa, Graduate Visa…). |
£1754 |
Dr Tien Thuy Quach |
Individual |
Hands-On Science Days: Teaching and Empowering Secondary Students with Intellectual Disabilities |
‘Hands-On Science Days’ is an educational initiative focused on practical science skills for second-level students with intellectual disabilities, supporting their transition to tertiary education through experiential learning and curriculum-aligned activities, with an emphasis on chemistry. |
£4500 |
Prof. Denise Rooney |
Maynooth University |
Exploring the Undergraduate Awarding Gaps in Chemistry at Cambridge University |
To gain a better understanding of the awarding gap according to gender. To investigate whether other awarding gaps exist relating to protected characteristics, for example, students from BAME groups, or with a declared disability. |
£5000 |
Prof. Sally Boss |
More than a Cash Cow: Understanding the I&D profiles of International Students/Graduates in the Chemical Sciences |
By investigating international students’ and graduates’ demographic profiles the project seeks to increase understanding of the inclusion, diversity and socio-economic issues of chemical science students to support their retention and progression in chemical sciences careers. |
£5000 |
Mr Kevin Coutinho |
Windsor Fellowship |
Establishing a cross-industry consortium to enhance access, opportunities, and support for individuals from low socioeconomic backgrounds in the pharmaceutical and life sciences sector |
Networking events to identify partners and leverage learnings from other groups, to shape the establishment of a consortium and framework for inclusive workplaces for those from low socioeconomic backgrounds |
£4800 |
Dr Freda Tait |
Individual |
Supporting neurodifferences in analytical chemistry through the development of a range of accessible methods for learning and development materials |
We will collaboratively develop inclusive training techniques for individuals within the analytical chemistry departments so everyone can learn and work at their best. Promoting awareness and support for neurodivergent colleagues and supporting neuroinclusion for all. |
£4750 |
Mrs Rachael Roberts |
Scottish Water |
The Abedawn Khalaf Fund |
Enabling equal opportunity in chemical education to all by providing access to essential teaching resources. |
£4000 |
Dr Charles O'Hara |
University of Strathclyde |
Projects funded with Round 1 of the Inclusion & Diversity fund
Projects funded with Round 2 of the Inclusion & Diversity fund
Projects funded with Socieconomic Inclusion Special Call of the Inclusion & Diversity Fund in 2023
Round 1
Title |
Project summary |
Amount awarded |
Contact |
Institution |
Diverse Science Podcast |
Creation of a podcast to elevate the voices of ethnic minorities in science, explore social issues, and empower those at all levels in the chemical sciences. |
£330 |
Miss Johanna Fish |
Individual |
Promoting Science at the grassroots level |
To enhance the learning environment at the grassroots to influence talented young scientists. |
£5,000 |
Dr. Solomon Omwoma Lugasi |
Kenya Chemical Society |
Colourful Chemistry: Bringing experimental Chemistry closer to disadvantaged high schools in the city of Gqeberha, South Africa |
Creation of inexpensive chemistry kits for black learners from disadvantaged schools to gain hands-on active learning experiences. |
£4,500 |
Dr Adeniyi Ogunlaja |
Individual |
Understanding the experience and perception of gay and lesbian university students studying chemistry in the UK |
To understand the experience and perception of gay and lesbian students, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, who are pursuing studies in chemistry in the UK. |
£500 |
Dr Wing-Fu Lai |
Individual |
"STEM-inism: Equity in STEM" podcast |
To produce a 10-episode podcast that addresses the under-representation of minoritised identities in STEM, primarily from the black community. |
£4,750 |
Mr Ali Saad |
Vanta STEM |
Lennard-Jones Centre Women's Network |
To enhance diversity and inclusion in molecular and materials modelling by establishing a supportive community through regular events, mentoring, and talks, fostering career development and empowerment for women in the field |
£5,000 |
Dr Stephen Cox |
Lennard-Jones Centre |
Catalysing job applications from women in the chemical sciences |
To catalyse applications from women into PhD, postdoctoral and research fellow positions by providing an opportunity to visit the School of Chemistry at the University of Bristol prior to a job opening. |
£5,000 |
Dr Basile Curchod |
School of Chemistry, University of Bristol |
Neurodiversity from the lens of neurodiverse university students |
To develop resources and guidelines raising awareness among Chemical Engineering University students and to normalise being neurodiverse by engaging stories and avatars and encouraging students to recognise signs and seek assistance. |
£5,000 |
Dr Vijesh Bhute |
Individual |
Faces of Chemistry |
To create a database of cutting-edge research in Chemistry at Bath by diverse scientists from the postgraduate, postdoctoral and permanent staff, linked to specific aspects of the undergraduate curriculum, as examples for lectures. |
£4,876.80 |
Dr Adam Squires |
Individual |
Student mental health and anxiety as a hidden disability in UK chemistry labs. |
To explore the main causes of anxiety in students undertaking practical laboratory work, in the UK, the effect that a mental health diagnosis may have, and implications for inclusive practice. |
£5,000 |
Dr Patrick Thomson |
University of Strathclyde |
Engaging students with disabilities in marine chemistry research with recreational sailing |
To develop and pilot a citizen science activity that engages high school student with disabilities in marine chemistry education through recreational sailing and provide them with confidence in a future chemistry research career |
£5,000 |
Dr Enrico Davoli |
Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS |
Addressing the gender imbalance in surface science |
To produce a video series focusing on prominent women within the surface science community at different career stages and on different pathways to showcase their careers and research. |
£5,000 |
Dr Mark |
HarwellXPS |
Rousing the interest of derived basic school students in Chemistry using computer simulations, models, games, puzzles and fun practical Chemistry |
To arouse the interest of chemical sciences among deprived junior high school learners (grades 7 to 9) and increase the enrolment of female learners in the chemical sciences. |
£4,992 |
Dr Gershon Amenuvor |
Individual |
Mandatory Internship for M.Sc. Thesis to underprivileged students from remote locations of Uttar Pradesh (India) pursuing chemical sciences in post-graduation. |
To promote diversity and inclusion in chemical sciences by increasing the presence and supporting the under-represented students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds from remote locations in Uttar Pradesh (India) for a career in chemistry. |
£5,000 |
Dr Sushil Maurya |
Individual |
Adaptation of laboratory workshops in the disciplines "General Chemical Technology" and "Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances" for students with physical disabilities caused by military actions in Ukraine. |
To adapt and modernize laboratory equipment, to make it possible to provide high-quality competence-oriented training of specialists with physical disabilities in the speciality of chemical technologies of inorganic substances. |
£5,000 |
Prof Zenovii Znak |
Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine) |
Enhancing inclusion and diversity strategies for early career in organic chemistry for high school students and undergraduates in the south-south region of Nigeria |
To increase the number of students from underrepresented groups pursuing organic chemistry, improving their academic performance and engagement, and fostering a culture of inclusivity in the study of organic chemistry in the South-South region of Nigeria. |
£5,000 |
Mrs Edet Patience |
Individual |
ChemRxplorer: AI-powered gamification of pharmaceutical sciences |
To create an AI-powered gamification app that engages students in medicinal chemistry through interactive quizzes |
£5,000 |
Dr Moe Elbadawi |
Individual |
Neuroinclusive Chemistry Education |
To provide neuro-inclusive support to undiagnosed neurodiverse students. The support provided by this funding will allow all students to prosper in their educational environment with and without an official neurodiversity diagnosis. |
£2,232 |
Dr Niamh O'Mahoney |
Individual |
Round 2
Title |
Project summary |
Amount awarded |
Contact |
Institution |
PERIODicallly Season 2: Instigating the impact of reproductive health in academia |
A student led podcast series which discusses the impacts of reproductive health on academic life. |
£5000 |
Miss Charlie Simms |
Individual |
Reducing the learning barriers for deaf bilingual students studying A Level chemistry |
Produce accessible learning resources and required practical investigations in British Sign Language |
£4800 |
Mr Derek Rodger |
Heathlands School for the deaf |
Expanding the development of audio-tactile images for teaching chemistry to students with severe visual impairment or blindness |
Development of audio-tactile images describing the main spectroscopic analytical techniques used in chemistry laboratories for students with severe visual impairment or blindness and comparison of their efficiency with verbal description approach |
£5000 |
Professor Victoria Samanidou |
Individual |
Young Chemists for Change (YCFC): Advancing Equity in Chemistry |
A conference organised by young chemists for young chemists with the objective to have every attendee reflect on how their research is promoting diversity and/or inclusion |
£5000 |
Miss Francesca Adami |
Institute of Chemistry of Ireland Young Chemist Network (ICI-YCN) |
Chemistry and Mathematics with gender equality: a lecture series. |
In this two-day lecture series, female speakers and members of the LGBTIQ+ community will share their experiences in the Chemistry and Mathematic field to encourage and motivate students to complete their university goals. |
£3000 |
Mx Silvia Paulina Toimil Dávila |
Quimática Academy of the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Zaragoza of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. |
Women in Crystallography - a video series |
A series of video interviews on the personal experiences of crystallographers, focusing on gender bias (both conscious and unconscious), with the scope of raising awareness within the chemical scientific community and beyond. |
£5000 |
Doctor Annalisa Guerri |
GIG-03 "Education in Crystallography" - General Interest Group of the European Crystallographic Association |
Catalysing Diversity – A Chemistry Seminar Series for All |
The ‘Catalysing Diversity – A Chemistry Seminar Series for All’ will create a platform to improve the visibility of scientists from diverse backgrounds and identities in the Chemical Sciences to university students from under-represented groups. |
£5000 |
Dr Prachi Stafford |
Individual |
EDUCATE: Empowering Diversity in Undergraduate Chemical Sciences Through Engagement |
Enhance EDI in Nigerian scientific space through the publication and distribution of Science Diversity Magazine across Nigeria and a research study at Kaduna State University |
£4160 |
Mr Kenneth Bitrus David |
Pharmafluence Education Advancement Network (PEAN) |
Pedagogy refresher workshop for chemical science trainers of persons abled differently in selected counties of Western Kenya |
Pedagogy workshop will be conducted to chemical sciences trainers of special high schools in selected counties in Western Kenya to ensure delivery of quality chemical education and uptake of chemical sciences among persons abled differently |
£4990 |
Dr Fredrick Okumu |
Individual |
Fostering Equity in Chemical Sciences for BAME Students in North East England |
Support BAME students in Chemistry through collaboration with various stakeholders, explore challenges in the application process and post-graduation networking, involving student interns to identify industry-desired skills and boost self-assurance. |
£4992 |
Dr Cristina Navarro |
Individual |
Catalyzing diversity, Equity and Inclusion in chemical sciences |
The workshop “Catalysing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in Chemical Sciences” will provide a platform for the chemical sciences community to discuss ideas and best practices for creating more diverse, equitable, and inclusive environments. |
£5000 |
Dr Mildred Airo |
Maseno University |
Balancing learning and life to become a chemist: investigating how external responsibilities shape student success inequity in first year undergraduates |
This study will combine large-scale survey data and in-depth interview insights to understand how undergraduate students from marginalised social demographics navigate at-home responsibilities while completing their chemistry studies. |
£2500 |
Dr Joshua Wang |
Individual |
Visibility and mentorship campaign for underrepresented groups in Computational Chemistry |
Championing diversity in computational chemistry, providing mentorship and seminars to underrepresented groups. We're expanding our impactful schemes, supported by an enriching digital platform, with ambitions for a robust 2024 mentorship program. |
£2000 |
Dr Michelle Sahai |
The Molecular Graphics and Modelling Society |
Socioeconomic Inclusion Special Call of the Inclusion & Diversity Fund
Title |
Project summary |
Amount awarded |
Contact |
Institution |
Sharing Good Practice in Attracting Young People to Study Chemistry in Scottish Schools |
Identify and share good practice in attracting young people to study Chemistry by creating a support network for chemistry teachers, particularly newly qualified teachers and teachers who are the lone chemist in a science faculty. |
£1,200 |
Dr Clare Smith |
University of Glasgow |
A Scottish perspective on the barriers to progression into, and through, Chemistry HE for those from deprived backgrounds |
Establishing a continuing network of academics for widening participation of individuals from low socioeconomic backgrounds. |
£4999.39 |
Professor Debbie Willison |
University of Strathclyde |
Marginalisation in science: Being the 1st Generation in your family to attend university |
Focused on the sense of belonging of individuals from low socioeconomic backgrounds and encouraging individuals from low socioeconomic backgrounds to pursue a career in chemistry. |
£5000 |
Dr Jennifer Leigh |
University of Kent |
Levelling Up: Chemistry |
Levelling Up: Chemistry will support attainment- and aspiration-raising with mentoring and academic tutoring for up to 25 students studying post-16 Chemistry from low socioeconomic backgrounds in the East Midlands. |
£5000 |
Dr Valentina Cuzzucoli Crucitti |
University of Nottingham |
Shifting your mindset from can't to why not |
Individuals from low socioeconomic background working in the chemical sciences, often lack the confidence to take advantage of opportunities to progress their career. This project will develop a self-affirming toolkit to shift their mindset. |
£5000 |
Dr Marcia Philbin |
Faculty of Pharmaceutical medicine & RSC Management Interest Group |
Passport to Success: understanding the impact of positive action for HEI students in Chemical Sciences |
Increase progression and retention of post-1992 university students’ by assessing the impact of application preparatory support. Specifically goal setting, application form, interview skills and evaluating participants’ confidence/willingness to applying to other initiatives. |
£5000 |
Mr Kevin Coutinho |
Windsor Fellowship |
Does Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) improve continuation and progression rates for students from low socioeconomic backgrounds? |
Developing and assessing the impact of PLTL to improve low success rates, fostering discussions, problem solving and deeper engagement with course material. |
£4549.65 |
Dr Lesley Howell |
Queen Mary University London |
A Mentoring Scheme to Improve Inclusion & Retention of Chemistry Students from Lower Socioeconomic Groups |
Establishing and evaluating a mentoring scheme to support the induction and retention of individuals from low socioeconomic backgrounds over the first year of their university education. |
£4871 |
Professor Caroline Dessent |
University of York |
Supporting Scientific Literacy and Careers in Chemistry for Young People from Economically Deprived areas |
Supporting and encouraging the uptake of economically disadvantaged young people to explore and contextualise career pathways into the chemical sciences. |
£5000 |
Mrs Candice Leckie |
St Columba’s High School |
Projects funded with Round 1 and Round 2 of the Inclusion & Diversity fund in 2022
Round 1 and 2
Title |
Project summary |
Amount awarded |
Contact |
Institution |
Addressing the Chemical Sciences gap among minority groups in Nigeria: Measuring the impact of instrumentation and soft skills for global competitiveness |
To improve research projects by undergraduate and postgraduate chemistry students to address the graduate-unemployment gap in Nigeria through the development of technical skills needed for employability and sustained career continuity in chemical science. |
£5,000.00 |
Mr David Izuogu |
Africa of Our Dream Initiative |
Barriers - Chemistry in the science foundation year |
To establish the barriers to success for neurodiverse students in their first footsteps into studying chemistry on a science foundation year and remove them. |
£2,580.00 |
Mrs Linda Berry (now Forbes) |
Individual |
Inclusion for All |
Challenge perceptions of the Chemical Sciences and highlight the inclusive environment and diverse community of people working in this important field. |
£4,800.00 |
Mr Peter Duff |
Peter Duff Consulting Limited |
Advancing Science in Primary Schools of Western Kenya |
To boost the attitude of upcoming scientists, a contingent of professionals who share similar poor backgrounds to students will visit primary schools in Western Kenya. |
£5,000.00 |
Dr Solomon Omwoma LUGASI |
Kenya Chemical Society, Western Chapter |
Pilot scheme for the provision of Writing Retreats for staff in the School of Applied Sciences |
Enbale STEM staff to attend a four-day Writing Retreat to concentrate on career-enhancing activity (such as manuscript writing, funding bids, book chapters). |
£5,000.00 |
Dr Gemma Sweeney |
University of Huddersfield |
Future Scientist - Diversifying Pharma |
Enable a group of Black A level students to gain some hands-on experience on top of range analytical equipment in pharma and academia environment to strengthen their personal statements for university applications. |
£5,000.00 |
Dr Azzedine Dabo |
Individual |
Life after school: Chemistry-related career choices for undergraduate female chemistry students and senior high female science students |
A 2-day workshop to pique the interests of undergraduate chemistry students, and senior high science students in integrating into chemistry-related areas after graduation from the university. |
£5,000.00 |
Dr Pennante Naa Ayikailey Bruce-Vanderpuije |
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Institute-Water Research Institute |
Strategies supporting inclusion and diversity for early careers in chemical sciences for secondary students in arid and semi-arid areas in eastern region of Kenya |
Motivate and endeavour diversify, include and create equity in accessing and acquiring chemical sciences knowledge to boy and girl child from selected high schools in arid and semi-arid Eastern Region of Kenya. |
£5,000.00 |
Individual |
Kenyan women researchers in chemical sciences: #SuccessJourney |
Spotlight ten established Kenyan women researchers in chemical sciences and share their research success journey and advice with upcoming women researchers using academic social media platforms. |
£3,000.00 |
Dr Lucy Ombaka |
Individual |
To produce two suites of animations addressing two major Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion issues. The topics will cover Imposter Syndrome and Disability and Inclusion. |
£5,000.00 |
Prof Ritu Kataky |
Individual |
MAINSTRAEM: Mentorship and Inclusive Networking for Solar Themed Researchers Accelerating Emerging Megastars |
Promote and support career progression of early stage solar researchers with caring responsibilities and from marginalised gender and ethnic backgrounds through a targeted programme of training, mentoring and the creation of a peer-network. |
£5,000.00 |
Dr Alexandra Ramadan |
Individual |
Investigating the Sexual Orientation Identities in General Chemistry Classrooms of Kenyan Universities |
Measure the representation of LGBTQ+ students in general chemistry classrooms in Kenyan universities. The study will then explore ways of retaining these students in STEM fields. |
£4,800.00 |
Dr. Anthony Pembere |
Individual |
Chromatographic techniques accessible for individuals with visual impairments using audio-tactile pictures |
Produce accessible audio-tactile pictures related to chemistry, for students with visual impairments. This multimodal approach contributes significantly to the perception of educational material by students with blindness. |
£5,000.00 |
Professor Victoria Samanidou |
Individual |
Assessment of the inclusiveness of the limitations of learners with disability in the construction of chemistry laboratory learning spaces in institutions in Nigeria |
Assess the adequacy of chemistry laboratory learning space for learners with physical disabilities in educational institutions of Nigeria. |
£4,932.00 |
Dr John Gushit |
Individual |
Inspirational Chemists: A Student Conference Activity to Raise Awareness of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Chemical Sciences |
Student-led conference designed to raise student awareness of Diversity and Inclusion in Chemistry by working with each other to explore inspiring examples of research and innovation led by chemists from diverse backgrounds. |
£5,000.00 |
Dr Dylan Williams |
University of Birmingham |
Catalysing solutions to address inequities in research |
One-day symposium bringing together researchers, funders, publishers, and others to address inequities in chemistry research linked to gender, disability, and race by developing more inclusive working environments with equitable funding and publishing processes. |
£1,572.00 |
Dr Katherine Manfred |
University of York |
Researching and Designing a Credible Wheelchair-Friendly Lab Coat |
Address barriers to entry, inclusivity and ableism in wet lab-based chemical and biological sciences by researching, designing and prototyping a wheelchair-friendly, dignified and credible lab coat, and take steps towards mass production. |
£4,776.00 |
Dr Andrew Cook |
University of Dundee |
Low enrolment in chemistry and other chemical sciences in Nigeria, the case of Southwest |
To enhance the interest of young girls and female undergraduates in chemical sciences through career and psychosocial mentorship. |
£4,800.00 |
Dr. Adebola A. Adeyi |
University of Ibadan |
Intensive Internship Programmes in Chemistry for Girl Students from Socially & Economically Backward Communities |
Provide Internship training comprising Lab work and theory under experienced guide to enable girl students studying chemistry from socio-economically backward classes to be industry-ready after their graduation/post-graduation degree. |
£4,715.00 |
Dr Pintoo Ganguly |
Individual |
Delivering workshops and guidance in environmental chemistry to female children living in small Maldivian islands to inspire future scientific careers |
Promoting gender equality and an environmental chemistry career among female children living in small Maldivian islands, starting by practical experiments at the beach to discover the beauty of nature and the importance of sustainability |
£4,600.00 |
Prof Francesco Saliu |
University of Milano-Bicocca |
Accessible Modern Data Science based Data Analysis Platform for Diverse Users of X-Ray Absorption and Fluorescence Spectroscopy |
Modern data science-based data analysis platform at SESAME light source can facilitate diverse users and researchers of chemical sciences (XAFS/XRF data analyses) in developing world from ASIA to Africa with ethnic and gender equality. |
£5,000.00 |
Dr Latif Ullah Khan |
Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East |
Visibility and mentorship campaign for underrepresented minorities in Computational Chemistry |
Provide encouragement, mentorship, and guidance to underrepresented minorities and allies at all career levels in the field of Computational Chemistry. |
£2,000.00 |
Dr Michelle Sahai |
Molecular Graphics and Modelling Society |
Students Challenging Inequalities in Chemistry Higher Education |
Listen to students’ experiences of inequalities in chemistry education and amplify our participants voices through creative dissemination via the website and social media. |
£4,728.60 |
Dr Julia Sarju |
Individual |
Engineering performativity in the case of BAME women’s inclusion in the UK’s Chemical Sciences. |
To take an emic approach to explore the issue of gender and systemic inequalities for BAME women’s inclusion and persistence in the field of Chemical Sciences within the UK. |
£2,500.00 |
Dr Aparna Venkatesan |
Individual |
The experience of British-Asian chemistry students in higher education |
To understand the experiences of British-Asian students in chemistry higher education to address their sense of belonging in the chemical sciences and better understand underlying issues in their attainment gap. |
£5,000.00 |
Dr Namrah Shahid |
Individual |
Exploring chemistry from a historical perspective as a method that breaks the stereotype of inaccessible science and enriches the presentation of scientific knowledge |
Encourage non-chemists at various ages to explore chemistry, support the didactic process for teachers and students in understanding how chemistry knowledge is generated, and initiate a chemistry history room. |
£5,000.00 |
Dr Dawid Zych |
Individual |
A Survey of Barriers to Combining Pregnancy and Breastfeeding and an Academic Career in the Physical Sciences |
To explore the main barriers (both lived experiences and perceived) to combining pregnancy and breastfeeding and an academic career, using a mixed method approach: quantitative (survey) and qualitative (focus groups). |
£1,000.00 |
Professor Alison Hulme |
Individual |
A Student Report Website: Monitoring the Science Students challenges resulting from poor student-Lecturer relationships |
To identify and address the irregularities leading to poor academic performances of science students while advocating for a student report website platform which will not expose reporters’ identity. |
£4,325.57 |
Mr Teghtegh Samoh |
Individual |
From camp to lab – Bringing to light the chemistry potential of refugees in Greece |
This project aims to facilitate the integration of migrants in the educational system and the job market of Greece and EU, inspiring immigrant teenagers and supporting adults with chemical background. |
£5,000.00 |
Dr. Ioannis Pavlidis |
University of Crete |
Towards a better understanding of Chemistry behind Phytochemical and their medicinal importance amongst a diverse group of Undergraduate rural college students of West Bengal, India |
A seminar series to spread the knowledge of Chemistry behind Phytochemicals used as herbal medicine for treatment of various diseases of human being amongst marginalized and economically deprived rural college students. |
£4,000.00 |
Datta Samir Kanti |
The Bhawanipur Education Society College, Kolkata, India |
I belong in Chemistry event |
Increasing awareness that individuals with minoritised protected characteristics can be chemists by organising an event with talks from minority groups, including individuals’ backgrounds and research/current activities as well as a networking social. |
£1,910.00 |
Dr Rebecca M. Smith |
University of St Andrews |
Let's Talk About EDI: A HE Chemistry Perspective! |
Centred around a series of EDI podcasts and related EDI content to be hosted on a website where both podcasts and content are available to connect the audience to the related content. |
£3,665.20 |
Dr Sweta Ladwa |
Individual |
Podcast on the experience of having periods while studying Chemistry |
A podcast series in which students talk with each other about the experience of having periods while studying for a chemistry degree. |
£2,417.00 |
Dr Michael O'Neill |
Individual |
Addressing barriers in the education of mature postgraduate students in the Chemical Sciences |
To identify the barriers that mature PhD students face and address them by making a resource pack for them and their mentors/supervisors. |
£5,000.00 |
Dr Kalliopi Kousi |
Individual |
Chemistry, Calories & Combustion: Addressing the Barbadian Epidemic of Youth Obesity and Examining Fossil Fuel Combustion and its linkage to Climate Change |
To show chemistry’s role in daily life. Food and fossil fuels are energy sources, where detrimental effects of their immoderate use are evident worldwide as obesity and climate impacts. |
£5,000.00 |
Dr Claire Durant |
Individual |
Decentralized Science, a new vector to tackle inclusion and diversity in Chemical Sciences |
A networking event bringing together academics and professionals to discuss how the Decentralized Science movement and the blockchain community can collaboratively develop transformative projects and community actions to improve inclusion and diversity in Chemical Sciences. |
£4,785.68 |
Dr Francois Sicard |
Individual |
LGBTQ+ visibility for STEMM |
This project supports the work of the PRISM Exeter network, which provides a community and visible platform for LGBTQ+ STEMM professionals and students |
£5,000.00 |
Dr Claire Davies |
PRISM (Pride & Representation in STEMM Matters) Exeter |
All-Ireland Athena Swan Workshop for the Promotion of Gender Equality in the Chemical Sciences. |
This workshop will bring together, for the first time, representatives from Schools of Chemistry in Ireland for a workshop to share ideas and best-practice to support and promote gender equality in the chemical sciences. |
£4,600.00 |
Dr Paul Kavanagh |
Queens University Belfast |
The Ball World |
To establish a worldwide data base to put on the map the contribution to the scientific community of forgotten/invisibilised scientists. |
£5,000.00 |
Dr Alba Acevedo Fernández |
Centro Nacional del Hidrógeno (CNH2) |
Developing an ID self-talking Chemistry textbooks for South Sudan. |
To review inclusion and diversity policies in the curriculum of South Sudan; assesses the extent to which these policies are inserted in the Chemistry textbooks; finally, develop an ID self-talking Chemistry textbooks. |
£4,980.00 |
Mr Onen Tony |
Individual |
The Science of Indigenous Paint and Technologies |
To afford opportunities to explore necessary pedagogical considerations for incorporation of Indigenous traditions into chemistry curriculum and research. |
£4,564.00 |
Dr Raphaell Moreira |
The REDI Instituto in STEM |
Equity-centred mentoring in Chemistry |
To explore how marginalised chemistry graduate students navigate between their marginalised and chemistry identities, as well as how research mentors perceive the challenges and abilities of marginalized chemistry graduate students. |
£5,000.00 |
Dr. Paulette Vincent Ruz |
Individual |
Maximising Chemistry Attainment through Inclusion and Diversity |
Fully funded scholarships for young people from underserved, underrepresented, and disadvantaged groups to support and sustain their Chemistry learning, attainment, and engagement, both in secondary school and future pathways in FE, HE or work. |
£5,000.00 |
Mr Graeme Rough |
Saturday School Ltd |
Projects funded through the special call in support of improving accessibility and disability inclusion in the chemical sciences
Title |
Project summary |
Amount awarded |
Contact |
Institution |
Participatory teaching and learning strategy: A mean of improving the learning outcomes of educable mentally challenged students in basis science. |
Application of participatory teaching and learning strategy drawn on constructivist theory, stepwise and visual aided teaching approach aimed at improving the learning outcomes among educable mentally challenged leaners in Basic Science |
£2,100 |
Rev Dr Idowu Emmanuel Obolo |
Individual |
The Grey Area of Colour Blindness: Enhancing Inclusivity in the Chemistry Laboratory |
To develop a method to identify students with colour vision deficiencies, provide safe protective colour-enhancing eyewear for the lab and to analyse the benefits to these students. |
£1,530 |
Dr Michael McKeever |
Swansea University |
Spotlight Series: Celebrating Disabled Scientists |
Creation of poster resources, illustrated by Compound Interest, to highlight disabled scientists, talking about both their disability/disabilities and their scientific research. |
£3,600 |
Dr Zoë Ayres |
Enable Science |
Promotion of Inclusion of disabled students by training University lecturers teaching chemistry in Kenya |
To bridge the gap that exists in the delivery of chemistry materials to students with disability at higher learning institutions in Kenya. |
£5,000 |
Dr Naumih Noah |
United States International University-Africa |
An Inclusive Library of Assistive Tools for Practical Laboratories |
To purchase tools to provide a library of resources which would benefit and assist disabled students in practical teaching laboratories. |
£5,000 |
Miss Amy Lunt |
University of Liverpool |
Adaptation of laboratory equipment for use by students with disabilities |
Adapted equipment will be used to reach students with disabilities at secondary school level, showing that chemistry careers are possible. |
£4,500 |
Bachiller Gabriel Belmonte González Muzio |
University of the Republic, Uruguay |
Strengthening the response to disability in chemistry teaching at FCEyN-UBA Argentina |
Design and construction of an accessible portable lab bench, and workshops tutor training focused on socio-educational support & Universal Design for Learning and Information and Communication Technology to enhance educational strategies for people with disabilities |
£5,000 |
Doctor Nahir Vadra |
University of Buenos Aires |
Neurodiverse Chemistry |
Neurodiverse Chemistry is a digital zine telling the life-stories of four successful neurodivergent chemists in graphic novel form, depicting the barriers they faced, and the lessons they learned to thrive as chemists. |
£5,000 |
Mr Jonathan Berliner |
Individual |
Understanding Disability in UK HE, a student-centred approach |
An open access, accessible, self-paced, online course for staff and students at UK HEIs to educated them about living with a disability co-created with disabled staff and students. |
£5,000 |
Dr Helen Coulshed |
King's College London |
Supporting neuro-differences in analytical chemistry through the development of leadership support approaches |
To develop and pilot a new group coaching approach with our analytical chemistry teams focused on embedding leadership understanding, awareness and respect for neurodivergent colleagues. |
£4,250 |
Professor Elise Cartmell |
Scottish Water |
Projects funded through the disability and accessibility special call
Title |
Project summary |
Amount awarded |
Contact |
Institution |
Accessible Laboratories: understanding the needs of disabled chemists including those with hidden impairments and long-term conditions |
Accessible Laboratories addresses the question of what an accessible chemical sciences research laboratory would look like for those with longterm conditions and hidden impairments. |
£4025.84 |
Dr Kate Sang |
Heriot-Watt University |
Identifying barriers for students with poor working memory and strategies to overcome them within chemistry |
This project aims to open doors in chemistry for students with specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, ADHD and ASD, and to ensure adequate support measures are in place. It will aim to identify the parts of chemistry degree pathways that create barriers to those with poor working memory and develop effective strategies to overcome them. | £2060 | Niamh Curran | Queen’s University Belfast |
Exploring the Hidden Disabilities of Mental Health in the Undergraduate Laboratory |
This project aims to explore the main causes of anxiety in students undertaking practical laboratory work, and to investigate the overlap of laboratory anxiety and mental health conditions. | £4929.11 | Prof Debbie Willison | Individual |
What will a chemistry lab look like in the future? Raising awareness and consulting to create the accessible, inclusive lab of the future |
This project will explore barriers that synthetic chemistry lab environments pose to researchers with neurodivergence/ disability/ chronic illness (NDC), then design and showcase the inclusive lab of the future in a series of events using virtual reality. | £5000 | Dr Anna Slater | Individual |
Developing an integrated handbook for teaching chemistry to students with disability together with students without disability |
This project will develop an integrated handbook for teaching chemistry to disabled and non-disabled students in high school in Uganda, partnering with national and governmental stakeholders. | £4850 | Dr Francis Omujal | Individual |
Enable Science: Disabled Network |
The Enable Science – Disabled Network will establish a community and platform for disabled scientists, facilitating networking and discussion sessions and establishing a website. | £5,000 | Chantelle Minchin | Individual |
Using wearable tablets for remote collaboration to create a more inclusive lab experience for disabled students |
We wish to trial a wearable tablet system to benefit students who require support to complete practical modules. The tablets offer a 1st person perspective of the experiment live, and students can communicate with the demonstrator in real time to create a more collaborative experience. | £4500 | Dr James Harvey | Individual |
Divergent: Exploring the barriers in place for neurodiverse early career researchers |
This project seeks to explore and tackle the barriers facing neurodivergent early career researchers, asking how neurodivergent ECRs can best be supported in their career paths. The project will identify best practice recommendations and an accessible infographic. | £1150 | Dr Scott Gorman | University of Birmingham |
Health vs Chemistry: gathering evidence to design an inclusive career returnship programme. |
This project aims to understand the intersection of chemist skills, health disability and the needs of those who reenter the workplace after a career break. With a midcareer focus, the project will analyse the challenges and opportunities within the chemical landscape, aiming to design the outline for a supported returnship programme tailored specifically to the chemical sciences. | £5000 | Dr Hazel Hunter | Individual |
Projects funded with Round 1 and 2 of the Inclusion & Diversity Fund in 2020
Projects funded through the special call in support of the Black chemistry community.
Rounds 1 and 2
Title |
Project summary |
Amount awarded |
Contact |
Institution |
Challenges and obstacles of minorities in industry and active inclusion |
Event for professionals of minority origin in science industry to develop a networking support system and share how to overcome challenges through active inclusion. |
£2,000 |
Ryan Sipho Twantwa |
Individual |
CLRScience: Breaking the language barrier |
Development of an app to help teachers reach pupils of all ability and literacy backgrounds to ensure chemistry is more accessible. | £5,000 | Christopher Reynolds | Individual |
Independent learning in the chemistry laboratory for students who are blind or low vision |
Modifying, adapting or re-writing laboratory protocols for the inclusion of existing assistive technologies, to enable students who are blind or low vision to undertake laboratory experiments independently. |
£5,000 | Siegbert Schmid | The University of Syndney, Australia |
Reifying Reactions – developing a novel tactile interactive synthetic chemistry visualisation tool |
3D printing of buildable chemical model components and reaction symbols, with shaping, colour and Braille cues that can be used to teach and learn synthetic organic reaction mechanisms. | £4,200 | Elizabeth Ostler | University of Brighton |
Including blind and visually impaired students in the chemical sciences: Establishing good practices |
Development of good practice and training to increase inclusion of visually impaired students in higher education and research in the chemical sciences. | £3,600 | Stefano Biagini | Individual |
Barriers that hinder women's careers in pharmaceutical medicine |
An investigation into factors that enforce barriers that hinder women from progressing their careers in the pharmaceutical industry. Findings will be presented in a report. | £5,000 | Marcia Philbin | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine |
Culture and the girl child in chemical sciences |
A series of seminars and workshops to enable girls to engage with chemical sciences in Nigeria. | £3,000 | Ruby Lotanna | Individual |
"Celebrating diversity in science" lecture series to increase interest and confidence in post-graduate |
A visiting speaker series celebrating diversity in science. The two-part presentations will include the speaker's latest research followed by a Q&A session related to their career journey. | £2,000 | Samuel Perry | University of Southampton |
Celebrating and enhancing diversity in STEM seminar series through graduate student leadership and networking |
An inclusive seminar series and networking panels to identify critical decision-making criteria in improving inclusivity in seminars. | £2,800 | Udayan Singh | University of Virginia, Engineering Systems and Environment Graduate Student Council |
The emotional roller coaster of building a career in science |
A seminar series exploring experiences of early-career chemists and mental health tools accessible to young researchers to develop resilience and wellbeing. | £3,800 | Claudia Bonfio | Young Group committee of the Italian Chemical Society |
Virtual conference: non-discriminatory inclusive meeting on natural dyes - a pilot study |
An inclusive online conference using VirBELA virtual world. | £1,600 | Jennifer Oliver | Individual |
#Outtheboxthinking. Improving understanding and attitudes towards chemistry whilst increasing accessibility to university style teaching, focusing on students identified as having barriers to inclusion |
Engaging under-represented key stage 4 students in cutting edge chemistry experiments and an academic-style conference to encourge the next generation of potential scientists. | £3,350 | Grace Walden | King's College London |
Student generated teaching resources as a tool to enhance inclusivity and diversity |
Development of inclusive teaching resources, created by students from under-represented minorities, low-income background and with no previous working experience. |
£5,000 |
Giorgio Chianello | Individual |
The effect of Covid-19-triggered social isolation on marginalised chemistry students |
An investigation into the psychological and pedagogical impact of online teaching and social isolation on marginalised chemistry students. |
£3,168 |
Gerard McGlacken | Individual |
A novel flexible format for departmental seminars improving inclusion at Durham University |
An inclusive departmental seminar series to minimise disruption for the work-life balance of guest speakers. |
£3,800 |
Basile Curchod | Department of Chemistry, Durham University |
Unlocking chemistry concepts using sign language |
A project to create British Sign Language signs for chemistry and BSL-translated videos of chemistry experiments, building on the Scottish Sensory Centre’s online BSL Glossary. |
£5,000 |
Audrey Cameron | Individual |
Addressing mental health: A proactive approach for researchers |
A series of workshops and networking events to consider mental health in under-represented groups in research. |
£4,830 |
Susan Kathleen Fetics | Women in Research Ireland |
Realising potential, a programme of work experience for underrepresented learners whose talents in chemistry may not be recognised by the exam system |
Work experience placements based at the Department of Chemistry for students from local schools that have high numbers of disadvantaged and minority ethnic students, and low uptake in science post-GSCE. |
£1,300 |
Michael Hughes | University of Manchester |
The dawn of chemistry in the city of Alvorada |
A series of activities and a chemistry fair to encourage students from a disadvantaged community in Brazil to engage with and study chemistry. |
£3,400 |
Irene Teresinha Santos Garcia | Individual |
The perception of chemistry career opportunities among undergraduate students of chemistry department in some selected universities in Nigeria |
A research project in Nigeria to explore undergratuate students' understanding of chemistry careers. |
£1,332 |
Aminu Dauda | Individual |
Internship and hands on training in lab practices to women from economically backward class pursuing chemistry subject in Masters Degree |
Project to enable girls from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds to be ready for a career in chemistry industry after graduation. |
£4,020 |
Pinto Ganguly |
Individual |
Enhancement and promotional activities for chemical sciences career and the reduction of gender gap in enrolment for chemistry courses for students, laboratory technicians and teachers in high schools of Western Kenya |
A series of workshops and mentorship seminars for high school students, especially girls, to raise awareness and adoption of chemistry as a viable career. |
£4,976 |
Francis Orata Omoto |
Individual |
Promoting inclusion, supporting diversity and equity in chemistry |
A project to improve the effective practice of inclusion, diversity and equity among the chemistry community in Nigeria. |
£5,000 |
Bilkisu Adedoyin |
Individual |
Women’s career pathway in chemical sciences; a multistage investigation in Kerala, India |
A project to assess factors influencing women at various stages of their career pathway in chemistry in India. |
£4,540 |
Mohammed Jasil Pulpadan |
Individual |
Strategies to eliminate challenges early career Ghanaian women in the chemical sciences face: Grantsmanship and sustaining research |
A workshop to support early-career women in the chemical sciences in Ghana in applying for grants and building research careers as lead investigators. |
£5,000 |
Pennante Bruce-Vanderpuije |
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research- Water Research Institute, Ghana |
Gender disparities in the undergraduate chemistry degree course enrollment in Uganda |
A project to investigate gender disparities in chemistry undergraduate enrollment and completion rates in government and private universities in Uganda. |
£4,300 |
Francis Omujal |
Individual |
Guided Lego play to promote inclusive STEM career aspirations |
A project to create Lego loan kits for schools local to Strathclyde University to guide discussions on gender and ethnicity expectations and STEM careers. |
£500 |
Caitlin Early |
Individual |
Surveying the lived experiences of BAME chemistry students and staff |
A project to listen to the experiences of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic individuals at York's Department of Chemistry, and address the under-representation seen across the discipline. |
£5,000 |
Caroline Dessent |
Department of Chemistry, University of York |
Development of strategies for closing the gender gap in the enrolment of students studying chemistry in secondary schools in Ebonyi State, Nigeria |
A project to investigate the gender gap in chemistry at the secondary school enrollment and university admission levels in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. |
£4,940 |
Nwabueze Elom |
Individual |
Promoting inclusion and good science in stated-owned universities in Nigeria’s Delta Region |
Workshops to support inclusive leadership, expand networks and provide mentorship for both academics and students in the chemical sciences in state-owned universities in Nigeria’s Delta Region. |
£3,000 |
Cyril Ehi-Eromosele |
Individual |
Embedding cultural competence in an Australian undergraduate chemistry curriculum |
Development of laboratory experiments to embed Indigenous science and knolwedge into a chemistry curriculum in Australia. |
£5,000 |
Siegbert Schmid |
Chemistry Education and Communication Research Theme, School of Chemistry, The University of Sydney, Australia |
Enhancing diversity & inclusion at Bath chemistry |
A series of events and activities to increase diversity in guest lecturers, and to provide financial support for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic participants to attend Bath's electrochemistry schools. |
£5,000 |
Carmen Domene |
University of Bath |
TIGER in STEMM webinar series in chemistry |
A series of webinars to provide a platform for early-career and under-represented speakers from the chemical sciences to promote their research. |
£2,000 |
Caroline Muellenbroich |
Identifying barriers in STEM – A seminar series |
A series of online seminars from a diverse range of speakers in STEM, offering experiences of being a minority as well as examples to combat discrimination and increase diversity. |
£500 |
Claire Doswell |
University of Birmingham |
Warwick Chemistry Diversity Book Club |
A Diversity Book Club focusing on race, gender, sexual orientation and unconscious bias, to be discussed alongside RSC reports on these same topics. |
£1,500 |
Zoë Ayres |
University of Warwick Chemistry Department – Postdoctoral Society of Chemistry and Warwick ChemSoC |
Incorporating 'student-generated videos' as a teaching pedagogy in the curriculum for deaf students |
Development of videos of GCSE-level lab techniques and chemical concepts, generated by deaf students and incorporating deaf as well as minority ethnic representation. |
£2,900 |
Derek Rodger |
Heathlands School for the Deaf |
The colour of chemistry |
A series of activites to encourage students from under-represented groups to celebrate their diversity, professional identity and achievements as chemists. |
£5,000 |
Pooja Goddard |
Loughborough University |
Projects funded through the special call in support of the Black chemistry community
Title |
Project summary |
Amount awarded |
Contact |
Institution |
Improving confidence and promoting mentorship among chemistry professionals in selected institutions in the Niger Delta |
Development of a platform to support early-career chemistry professionals in the Niger Delta and to inform policy around ending discrimination and racism. |
£4,991 |
Eucharia Nwaichi |
Individual |
#BlackChemistsWeek 2020 |
A week-long online event to create a network of Black chemists and to amplify their voices. |
£1,500 |
Samantha Mensah |
Individual |
SparkLab Cymru - private group and individual tutoring |
Free of charge individual and group science tutoring for Black pupils, online and in-person in Cardiff. |
£2,250 |
Rhian Booth |
SparkLab Cymru |
Bridging the educational gap: Education interventions as a means to improving access and diversity in higher education |
Engagement of Black disadvantaged students in South Africa to describe chemistry concepts and characteristics in their own mother tongue. |
£1,000 |
Adeniyi Ogunlaja |
Individual |
Understanding and addressing the challenges faced by Black chemistry community in career progression (BlackChemComm) |
Creation of a forum to enable knowledge-sharing mechanisms and tools for addressing |
£5,000 |
Edwin Ntainjua Ndifor |
Individual |
Barriers that hinder women's careers in pharmaceutical medicine - a Black perspective |
Building on an existing ID Fund-supported project, this addition investigates the specific experiences of Black women chemists in the field of medicine development and allied areas. |
£5,000 |
Marcia Philbin |
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine |
Ethnicity (and gender) of authors of chemistry and medicinal chemistry publications |
Generate benchmarking data and interrogate trends on the ethnicity and gender of authors for chemistry and medicinal chemistry articles over the last 18-20 years. |
£5,000 |
Simon Macdonald |
RGDscience Ltd |
Celebrating Black chemists of Essex |
A 1-day online STEM event to celebrate Black chemists of Essex (past and present), as part of Black History Month 2020. |
£3,000 |
Hephzi Tagoe |
GhScientific |
Enablers and barriers to access and participation of Black chemists in higher education and workplace environments |
Surveys and interviews to explore the factors that influence Black students and professionals' access and participation in chemistry or related fields within higher education settings. |
£4,986 |
Lata Gautam |
Anglia Ruskin University |
Toolkit for Success |
Conduct race-specific research into the significant loss of Black individuals within chemistry in the UK, and develop a toolkit to foster inclusive environments and prepare for postgraduate employment. |
£1,700 |
Naomi Howard |
Individual |
Black in STEM |
A series of meetings, seminars and symposia to connect African and of African descent (Black) researchers to share ideas, form networks and enable peer support and collaborations. |
£887 |
Sandile Mtetwa |
Africans in STEM (University of Cambridge) |
Resources to highlight Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) contributions to science |
Development of teaching resources to highlight and promote the contributions of the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic community to science and chemistry. |
£4,900 |
Tippu Sheriff |
Queen Mary University of London |
Why do BAME pupils choose, or not choose, to study chemistry through secondary school? |
A research project to understand the reasons for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic pupils choosing chemistry, and barriers to participation, in state secondary school in Scotland. |
£2,280 |
James Orr |
Individual |
Celebrating Black chemists and embedding their work into the curriculum |
A series of workshops and an online international conference to celebrate and bring to the forefront the contribution of Black chemists. |
£4,000 |
Sandra Appiah |
Middlesex University |
Spreading and promoting diversity and inclusion in chemical sciences: Increasing the presence and participation of Black African communities |
Seminar series to highlight, spread and promote diversity in the chemical sciences to under-represented and socially disadvantaged groups in Zimbabwe. |
£4,900 |
Crispen Munashe Mazodze |
Individual |
All rounds
Title |
Project summary |
Amount Awarded |
Contact |
Institution |
Gender awareness in initial teacher education in chemistry |
A research project to evaluate gender awareness in teacher training across universities offering PGCE programmes in Chemistry in Scotland. |
£1,200 |
Claire Smith |
University of Glasgow |
Supporting inclusion and encouraging diversity in Chemistry - where do you see yourself?
Creation of a Careers in Chemistry Toolkit to record career journeys of minority group chemists and pharmaceutical scientists. |
£2,000 |
Baljit Thatti |
Individual |
When, why and where does gender affect performance in chemistry |
A study to assess the learning approaches of undergraduate chemistry students, in relation to gender. |
£5,000 |
Sylvia Draper |
Individual |
The impact of prior knowledge on first year chemistry performance |
Examination of the effect of pre-university chemistry education on engagement to identify the barriers to inclusivity. |
£4,878 |
Lorna Nisbet |
Anglia Ruskin University |
Evaluating support strategies for positive mental health among academic staff in Higher Education STEM departments
Investigation into mental health support for academics in STEM departments across England. Dissemination of success stories and good practice. |
£3,050 |
Gemma Sweeney |
University of Huddersfield |
Science is for everyone, Unconscious Bias training for Primary schools |
Development and delivery of a teacher toolkit and training session for chemistry teachers to address Unconscious Bias in the classroom. |
£5,000 |
Francesca Gale |
Genome Research Limited |
Establishing a Women In Supramolecular Chemistry (WISC) network |
Establishment of a mentoring network to increase diversity within the global supramolecular chemistry community. |
£4,825 |
Jennifer Hiscock |
Individual |
Towards a better understanding of the barriers and opportunities for children with learning difficulties in the chemistry classroom
A case study approach to understanding the barriers that current practices in school chemistry present to learners with SEND. |
£4,916 |
Jane Essex |
University of Strathclyde |
Women in Chemistry conference and careers event 2020 |
International Women's Day Conference bringing together 150 chemists (of all genders) from academia, industry and science communication. |
£2,000 |
Rhona Savin |
University of Nottingham Women in Chemistry Group |
PSoC distinguished seminar series: breaking barriers |
A series of inclusion and diversity events, including round-table discussions on issues of equality and diversity to celebrate the successes of underrepresented groups. |
£4,193 |
Nicola Rogers |
PSoC - Postdoctoral Society of Chemistry, University of Warwick |
Deaf students: removing barriers to education and training in chemistry |
Investigation into the uptake and attainment of chemistry education by deaf school pupils and development of bespoke HPLC training courses.
£5,000 |
Mark Jones |
RLC-lab |
Beyond breaking bias |
Continued investigation into a breaking bias textbook survey, aiming to provide high-quality and curriculum-focused resources to teachers.
£4,950 |
Claire Murray and Michael Seery |
Diamond Light Source and University of Edinburgh
All rounds
Title |
Project summary |
Amount awarded |
Contact |
Institution |
Analysis of the undergraduate degree course selection of female A-level students studying chemistry |
Investigation into the barriers faced by girls at the A-level to chemistry undergraduate transition in the Huddersfield/Wakefield/Leeds area |
£5,000 |
Gemma Sweeney |
University of Huddersfield |
Assessing and promoting inclusion of the differently-abled in educational institutions in eastern India - with special reference to the chemical science community |
Assessing and promoting inclusion of the differently-abled in educational institutions in eastern India |
£4,450 |
Abha Rani |
Indian Institute of Technology, Dhanbad |
Breaking Bias - Representation of Women in Chemistry Curricula |
Critical evaluation of the gender of scientists reported in UK and ROI secondary school chemistry textbooks, in order to identify whether there is unconscious bias which diminishes the work of women |
£2,000 |
Claire Murray |
Diamond Light Source |
Chemclusion: investigating factors that promote active inclusion in undergraduate chemistry among people with disabilities |
Preliminary research on approaches that work in supporting learners with disabilities in pursuing chemistry education. |
£4,550 |
Michael Seery |
University of Edinburgh |
Reaching Equilibrium |
'Hackathon' to bring together 40 early career researchers and industry representatives to work on projects to increase diversity in STEM |
£1,000 |
Jess Wade |
Imperial College London |
INCLUDE: An Inclusive Chemical Landscape Underpinning Diversity & Equality |
Investigating and overcoming the barriers for students from lower socio-economic backgrounds engaging with the chemical sciences. |
£3,875 |
Alex Hamilton |
Sheffield Hallam University |
All rounds
Title | Project summary | Amount awarded | Contact | Institution |
Inspiring language communities - Multilingual Manchester |
Bilingual researchers work with difficult to reach communities where English is not the first language |
£500 |
Nick Weise |
University of Manchester |
Quest University Canada Supporting our Minorites in STEM |
Funding for a COACh workshop to develop women in leadership |
£1,500 |
Emma Davy |
Quest University, Canada |
Stories of women in STEM |
Exhibition of photographs and interviews with women in STEM |
£2,000 |
Rhys Archer |
University of Manchester |
SciSisters |
Technical support for the scisisters website |
£925 |
Polly Arnold |
University of Edinburgh |
BAME researchers - How to stay in academia conference |
A one-day conference at King’s College London, Workshops include speed networking, importance of mentoring, well-being, career life balance, and applying and writing fellowships. |
£2,000 |
Bernadine Idowu |
International Outreach (NZ) |
University of Otego working with rural schools in the state of Sarawak, Malaysia to share outreach experiences working in NZ rural schools with teachers and teacher trainers in Sarawak |
£2,000 |
David Warren |
University of Otago |
LGBT+ STEMinar |
The LGBT+ STEMinar is a one-day event designed to benefit people who work or study in STEM subjects and identify as LGBT+ or are allies. |
£1,000 |
Derek Wann |
University of York |
Richness in Diversity Career Pathways in STEM |
One day conference to raise the profile of female and minority academics. Particular focus has been paid to selecting speakers who have had a ‘non-typical’ route into academia, who represent a minority group, or who have experienced life events that may have had a major impact on their career. |
£1,545 |
Jennifer Rudd |
Swansea University |
Seen and Heard seminar series |
A series of 30-minute lunchtime seminars that |
£2,000 |
Martha Gulman |
Women in research Ireland |
Sensory Science |
The Sensory Science programme enables disabled children to discover the world of science through play, exploration and creativity and in doing so, challenges the misconception that the scientific world is not a place for people with disabilities. |
£1,996 |
Katherine Sparkes |
All rounds
Title |
Project summary |
Amount awarded |
Contact |
Institution |
Adaptation of Forensic Science Teaching Materials |
Adapting Forensic Science teaching materials for students with disabilities or ESL |
£850 |
Lynsey Shaw |
Strathclyde University |
Anonymising CVs |
Developing approach for anonymising CVs; Chemistry department want to be involved as well |
£2,000 |
Jenny Clark |
Sheffield University |
Big Bang Bristol |
Big bang event targeting girls and BAME students from hard to reach areas (free school meals, no university connections, under performing schools etc.) |
£2,000 |
Matthew Lee |
University of Bristol |
Career returners workshops |
Women career returners workshop |
£2,000 |
Penny Coggill |
CamAWiSE |
Durham PG Events Comm |
Careers events for postgrads and postdocs including discussions about gender balance in STEM academia and associated challeges |
£2,000 |
Laura Smith |
University of Durham |
Hidden Women Wikithon |
Producing wikipedia pages for women in STEM |
£500 |
Jess Wade |
Imperial College |
LGBT STEM conference |
£500 |
Craig O'Hare |
Lancaster University |
Women in Chemistry Toronto conference |
£2,000 |
Nimrat Obhi |
Toronto |
How to apply
You can use this preview of the application form to help you prepare your answers.
Applications must be submitted through the online SmartSurvey form.
Application deadlines
Deadlines | Round 1 | Round 2 |
Application submissions open and close: |
24 March to 5 May 2025 |
28 July to 15 September 2025 |
Funding decisions returned by: | 16 June 2025 | 27 October 2025 |
Contact us
- Tel:
- +44 (0) 1223 432463
- Email:
- the Inclusion & Diversity team