Progression of ideas
The following sequence of questions can be used to help structure the progression of key ideas in this topic.
If we increase the temperature what happens to the energies of the particles?
The kinetic energy of the particles increases.
What happens to the mean kinetic energy of the particles?
If the particles increase in energy then the mean energy will also be increased.
What happens to the shape of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution graph?
The mean energy is shifted to the right on the graph although there are now fewer particles with the mean energy so graph reduces in height as more particles are shifted towards higher energy values.
What happens to the frequency of collisions?
The frequency of collisions increases as the mean kinetic energy has increased and particles are more likely to collide.
Does this increase in kinetic energy distribution explain why the rate doubles for a 10 degree Kelvin rise in temperature?
Not entirely. We need to apply the concept of a threshold energy and represent this on the graph.
What determines this threshold energy?
The energy profile diagram of a chemical reaction can highlight the origin of this threshold energy. (see diagram). It is called the Activation Energy (EA) and for a given reaction to take place the reactants need to have an energy equivalent to or exceding this energy value.
How is this represented on a MaxweIl-Boltzmann graph?
Remember that the MaxweIl-Boltzmann graph is showing a distrubution of energies amongst the particles. If on the x-axis we can set energy value then some particles will have energies that will fall below this threshold and also some will have energy above that value. If this energy selected is the minumum energy required (EA) for the particles to react then we can see that there is a section of the graph which represents all the particles which could react.
Which are the particles whose energies excede the EA?
Those are the particles in the shaded area to the right of the value marked on the graph.
What happens to the number of particles which are in the shaded area of the graph if we raise the temperature by 10 degrees?
When we plot this new distibution of energies on the graph we find tha the shaded area is roughly doubled. So raising the temperature by 10 degrees doubles the rate as there are twice as many particles which have energies equal to or exceding the EA.