Applying Arrhenius expression

In this section you will undertake the sort of problem which might be given to students. It is worth undertaking the task so you can experience the activity from a student perspective. You will need some graph paper and a calculator which has a natural logarithm function.

Here is some data to use. The data is from the iodine clock experiment, as seen previously.

Temperature (c) Time (s) Rate (1/t)
23 729
31 380
56 55

What manipulation of the data is required to allow you to plot the graph? (Hint; you might want to start by converting temperature to from Celcius to degrees Kelvin)

Consider drawing your own table with the data as you want it.

Can you plot a graph of the three rates against 1/T?

How will you plot a graph of ln k vs 1/T?

Can you extrapolate the line to determine the value of ln A?

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